Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love God, self and neighbor

You may wonder about the order of this saying.

Today we are  told to Love God with our whole heart, mind and soul and our neighbor as ourselves. Matthew 22:34-40 records Jesus saying loving God is the 1st commandment and loving neighbor as ourselves is the 2nd commandment. All other commandments included in these two.

As I reflected on this I came to realize where I don't love myself that is also where I do not act lovingly to my neighbor.

Most of it is simple stuff like I love to find out what is going on with almost everything. When I find out do I share it in a way that is gossip. Now gossip can smudge the name of another person. I believe I work hard how do I react when I don't feel the other person is working as hard as I perceive I am?

It is good once in awhile to sit down and look at what do I not love about myself. These are the very things that I will also act negatively toward my neighbor. If I don't appreciate it in myself I surely wont appreciate it in my neighbor.

Through taking some time each day and looking lovingly at myself I will come to act more lovingly toward my neighbor. God loves me unconditionally. If I believe I am a  reflection of God can I do the same.

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