Sunday, October 16, 2011

Give to God what is God's

In the Scripture today Jesus says "Give to God what is God's."
What do you have that belongs to God? What do you have to give back?

For me I am grateful for my vocation to Religious life. I can give back to God and others by living religious life authentically and being me. God called me just as I am.

Are you grateful for your vocation in life whether married, single or religious?

I never dreamed I would have a profession, a ministry where I can be of service to others, friends that are faithful and a great support system. I have many gifts, talents and health.

Honestly,on some days I don't feel like giving anything to anyone. When that happens I know it is time to take a time out. I have continuously experienced that God will provide for me the continued grace and strength to be faithful to all that has been given to me. But I have the responsibility to take care of myself as well. Sometimes I forget myself in that mix of things. I know the word NO is a very empowering word. Sometimes, I could be used more so I  don't give myselves away.

I can imagine for you who are parents that is a hard thing to do, to take time for yourself. I know re-creation time is needed by us all. Yes, even you and me.

Today the neighbor lady came to the door with her son and daughter selling boy scout popcorn. I said I haven't seen you much lately, she said oh we have football, basketball practicee twice a week and then games, plus scouts. I doubt she has alot of time to just be for herself.

Praise God we have the opportunity to give back. I pray to be aware of the opportunities this week to do just that.

I pray the same for you.

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