Sunday, October 9, 2011

God's saving grace in Jesus

This week is 28th week in ordinary time. The readings for the week are all from Paul. Paul's theme is we are humans and can't save ourselves. I know that for sure.

God revealed his saving grace through Jesus. The grace of this saving grace is available to all through faith. If we believe in Jesus' acts and words we will also do good to others. The readings from Paul all week show how God's grace is working. We are encouraged to live as people saved.

Each day I need to pray for the gift of grace and faith to live as a saved person. I don't know about you but for me some of daily enounters lead to feelings and thoughts if acted on would not be actions of a saved person.

During this week I pray to keep in mind Jesus saved me and I pray to behave accordingly doing good wherever I can.

Paul in his letter to the philippians said "My God will fully supply whatever you need." I am counting on it.

This past week my energy has been zapped with a very bad cold. I beleive as I have gotten older I bounce back slower and my resistence is lower. Hate to admit that but it is the reality. I will need aditional help this week as my energy bucket isnt full yet. Say a prayer for me as well when you have a moment. Much appreciated. Thank you

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