Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beauty of God encountered

We are made in the image and likeness of God. Wow

I just had the privilege of sharing 4 days with some of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother from the US.Caribbean province. We had a meeting in Milwaukee near the airport to plan for the next 5 years and to select 9 Sisters to represent us at a meeting in fall in Rome, Italy.

We are so blessed to be multicultural province. Together we Sisters from Belize, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Germany, Switzerland, Columbia, St. Lucia, Grenada, Trinidad, various parts of the US, Philippines, and  Korea, together planned and set forth suggestions for our community for the next 5 years.

We are all called by God to reflect God's presence to others and to ourselves.

I enjoyed meeting friends who live afar who I have not seen lately. It was blessed and good weekend.

Level of trust was evident as we surfaced the hard issues.

I thank God for being called to of being a member of a international community. This not only allows me to experience God in a variety of expressions but also calls me to inner conversion, a challenge to address my way of thinking and believing and a chance to engage another way of thinking and believing.

Praise God

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