Thursday, March 22, 2012

Faith is to be shared

The morning readings in my prayer dealt with faith as a gift knowing we have a choice to believe. Faith is a gift. I don't often think of it as that and take time to thank God for the gift of faith. I really don't know how I would do life without it.

Faith although is a gift it is not a private thing. It is not for me and God type of relationship. Our model is God who is so self-giving. Faith entails the responsibility to share the good news of God's love revealed daily in our lives if we only look and see.

I admit today I had a little frustration with a situation in which  someone I believed in by their behavior showed they were not what I believed them to be.

 I prayed for guidance for this person and for those whose life were affected. It is always sad when things turn out this way. We are responsible for how we act not just what we say. God give me the wisdom to see your presence in this experience as well.

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