Wednesday, March 21, 2012

service to the poor who is really poor

In ministry we are to provide service to those in need or the poor. A couple of us go to an Assisted living once a month and provide bingo for the residents.

Yesterday I went and sat by an elderly lady who had her head down and the first part of the game didn't seem to be aware of what was going on. They all win prizes when they bingo. When asked what she wanted as a prize she didn't say anything so we gave her a prize. Mid game she whispered to me I like potato chips so chips we gave her. Mid game she took my hand into hand and held it very tight rubbed the back of my hand as if she was comforting me. I said who is the real poor. She made me feel special to her and she even smiled a couple of times as she rubbed my hand. 

I left feeling special and cared for. I gained much more than what I gave. She was totally present to me.

Thank you God for the experience of her ministering to me.

Now I ask do we really always know who the poor are?

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