Sunday, March 4, 2012

Things are well let us just stay here

I know the feeling of Peter. Things are going well just lets leave it be that way. Let us build a tent here and stay as it is. Unfortunately were have not had our own transformation yet.

The experience was special as those present were especially chosen, not all disciples were taken up to the mountain. In their history they recalled Moses who went to the mountain conversed with God and came down with face shining so much he had to cover it up. Moses brought them a new way of living the commandments.

Now the disciples hear the voice of the Father saying this is my son, listen to him.

Jesus told us there are two commandments Love God and Love neighbor, all else is encompassed in these two.

There are days in the spiritual journey where I too feel especially connected to God and want to leave it that way. There are days when I feel to say hello do you hear me I am here, and I hear no response. The ordinary days are the ones that call forth our faithfulness.

Unfortunately most days are ordinary. Or maybe it is fortunate that most days are ordinary. You decide what helps you the most to carry out your mission to Love God with your whole self and your neighbor as yourself.

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