Sunday, March 18, 2012

God's Vision all be saved

Today in the scripture reading we are told "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life"

We are so fortunate we live in a country that gives us the opportunity to know Jesus and to believe. Some places in the world still are without knowing of Jesus, yet if you study them you will know they do have some belief in God. It may not be the same as ours but it is there all the same.

Now we have choices. Scripture further says if we choose to do evil things that is our choice. I am so glad God wants us all to be with Him now and in life here after.

I was thinking today in my interactions with others and myself do I act like I believe this? Do I treat myself in the way God would treat me or do I not give myself time to play as well as pray, both of these activities are key to contemplation.

This week take a little time for yourself, the others will still be there. Is it selfish well the guide is Love others as I love myself. Share the joy.

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