Sunday, March 25, 2012

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies

Interesting scripture reading today. Wheat, grapes the ultimate sacrifice. What am I willing to die for? Have you ever had to think about that?

I remember when I was in St. Lucia and the US ships were seen going toward Grenada and we heard the Cubans were coming to St. Lucia. Some of my American friends said get home and not in such polite words. the Sisters I was with said are you going to leave us? I just couldn't leave and was prepared to stay no matter what. the Cubans didn't come. At least I was willing.

We don't know the hour Jesus will ask us to lay down our life for another.

I believe it is only through suffering we learn to deal with letting go which is needed before we can give our life to another.

Had you ever thought of your mother did that when you were born. she had no assurances it was going to go well.

This is the last week of lent and I think a little dying to self for another wouldn't hurt all that much. I sure will make our Easter more meaningful.

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