Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Come and see

Today is the feast of Saint Andrew.
Although little is mentioned in the Book of Acts regarding the life of St. Andrew, much can be learned through St. Andrew's life. He and Saint Peter gave up their lifelong careers and lifestyles, leaving everything behind, to follow Jesus. Their undying faith in a difficult world is an inspiration to all.

In scripture it gives  the story of Jesus meeting Andrew and his brother Peter and Jesus said come follow me. In another Gospel it gives Andrew as a disciple of John. John's disciples ask his who Jesus is and he say he is the One who is to come. Andrew they goes to Jesus and say where do you live? Jesus says come and see.

As we approach Christmas which is the celebration of Jesus birth not celebration of gifts for me. What do I need to do to more closely follow Jesus and bring others to know him? Could I invite someone to come and see, to know more about Jesus?

I believe that each of us do honor and participate in the various celebrations of our own religious tradition.

How can I make Christmas more meaningful in my life?
For it is in giving we receive.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What did you see today?

Today Luke in his comment says blessed are the eyes that see what you see" What did you see today? Did you see the presence of God unexpectedly?

Advent season calls us to see the world around us with the eyes of God. Faith is what helps us realize it is the touch of God that is in everything I see and in all relationships.

Today I saw a older lady who can barely walk struggling to come into Saint Clare's to volunteer. She says she is happy to give to others and be a part of something. I forgot my knee hurt somewhat.

I talked to several people on the phone who were upset and just needed someone to talk to. I wondered did God send them to me. One lady called and I notice she called the clinic and didn't want to go to her appointment.
When I talked to her she just wanted me to pray for her. I don't know where she got my phone number. It didn't matter.

I talked to a homeless mother who does work at Ministry and all she wanted was for me to put a ball on the giving tree for a truck for her little son.

Thank you God for giving me these experiences today and as I reflect on my day tonight may I see you more clearly in all of them. I pray for you to open my eyes to see your love in my daily life and to guide me in how you wish me to respond to the broken lives and hurting world.

What did you see today?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Faith in healing power of Jesus

Today the reading is about the centurion(officer of Jewish army) asking Jesus to come and heal his servant. Strange request as servants were considered property and the centurion could easily get another one without any trouble.

Jesus told him his faith that allowed Jesus to heal the servant.

I asked myself do I have faith when I ask for needs or is it just hoping it will happen. Faith is stronger conviction that God will do what is best in the situation, which just might not be what I am thinking will happen.

The centurion also demonstrated care for his servant and did not consider him just disposable property. I found myself thinking how do I treat those with whom I have no relationship, do I pray for those in need or just those who are in my circle?

On this 2nd day of Advent preparation I pray that I may be more aware of the needs of others and pray for an increase in faith. (Little more doesn't hurt.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Today is the first Sunday of advent. The preparation time for remembering Christ's Birthday and what it means to me as a follower of Jesus, a light to the world. 

Isaiah preaches our God is a God of beginnings. We can take a moment and reflect on all the new beginnings in our lives. Advent is a time not only of preparation but of waiting, watching, lest we miss the opportunity for a new beginning, something new God would like to re-create in us.

Ministry health through Sister Lois has provided an advent refection book for Senior leaders. Each day as we prepare for Christ's birthday I may take some reflections from this daily reflection book and share them with you. 

The beginning reflection is one about waiting. The Jewish people waited for the coming of the Messiah for liberation and justice. 

 Each day while at Ministry I see people waiting, in surgical waiting room, outside ICU, in Family birth center and in the emergency room. I have come to learn to wait. It hasn't always been a easy task to master. Today I waited in line in Walgreen's, now that doesn't seem the same kind of waiting as in other circumstances. But believe it or not I was peaceful as the lady in front of me charged out 4 little piles of a few things she had for other people. I found myself saying God teach me how to wait with peace. I don't know what it meant to the lady but it was an opportunity to be at peace in a hurried world, much needed I think.

I wish you a blessed time of waiting and watching as you prepare to celebrate Christ entering into your life and being re-born again as a light for this troubled world.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy thanksgiving

So many things to be thankful for today.
Morning prayer today was Psalm 138. "I thank you Lord, with all my heart."" I give thanks to your name for your merciful love an your and your faithfulness."

How true this has been in my life journey. I pray on this day you too may have a few moments to reflect on God's goodness, faithfulness and merciful love in your life.
 Having recieved, we give the same to others.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving day tomorrow

May God protect you and your family on the family feast day. May you know support of friends if this day is a hard one for you.

Think of the reasons you are thankful and Praise God giver of all good

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Think of 3 gifts, blessings or situations in which you are thankful to God. Say a prayer of thanksgiving for them.

I know I ask God for many things, blessings, help for others. Sometimes I forget to say thank you to God.

This is a good time to change that for St. John said God is Love. I love that and have experienced it. Thank you God for all the love shown to me and to those I pray for.

Monday, November 21, 2011

4 days until thanksgiving

There are 4 days until Thanksgiving day. I am thankful for all of you. I pray for your special needs from today until thanksgiving day.

Think of 4 friends you are thankful for and if possible tell them. Pray for them as well until thanksgiving day.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What you did not do for one of these you did not do for me

Today is the last day of the Year in the Catholic calendar. The Scripture reading for today is like a review of the past year in terms of our reaching out to others.

In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus says if you didn't reach out to those in need you didn't reach out to him. He mentions the thirsty, hungry, naked, the stranger and those in prison.

How can we do what he asks of us?

The paper today if full of articles about food pantry's. Alot more people have lost their jobs. It looks like more to come.
Brokaw paper mill =445 workers.
Closing Rothschild mail sorting plant=155 workers.

Black Friday is coming. It  encourages us to spend $ or be not with it. Instead we could give a gift certificate of our time and talent to someone. I am sure a lonely person would appreciate our visit. I would appreciate time with my friends, much more valued than a present.

Ministry Saint Clare's has Clare's closet in the Emergency Department which accepts clothes to be used for patients who come to the hospital ill prepared to go home without proper clothes. If any of us came to the hospital and had our clothes cut off, or had a procedure that our clothes do not fit, I am sure we would appreciate something appropriate to wear home.

Visiting the sick is possible as a volunteer at both Medical facilities. Or perhaps you can volunteer from your church to visit those who are home bound. Take meals on wheels or volunteer to provide rides to those need. the volunteer section in the paper has many ideas on how to reach out to others.

Most of us have the opportunity to work with persons from a culture other than our own. It is an opportunity to reach out, help the person feel welcome and to learn something about their culture and customs. Extending ourselves to them.

As we end the year and start the season of preparing remembering Christ's coming we can take a few moments and look to how we have and can reach out to others.

As you volunteer/reach out to others you will be surprised to find you gained more than you realized.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jesus coming for supper tonight

Today reading is about Zaccheus. People didnt like him he was a tax collector you know like the IRS you dont want to see. His friends were in the same business. He wanted to see Jesus and because he wasnt accepted and was very short he climbed up a tree to see him. Jesus saw him and said come down Zaccheus and I am coming to your house tonight for supper. Whow.

What if Jesus saw you today and said I am coming for supper at your house tonight?

Monday, November 14, 2011

faith and asking

Today is one of my favorite scripture stories. It is of the blind man who hears a commotion. He asks what is going on. They tell him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by. He hollers out "Jesus, son of David have pity oh me"
Like any other gathering they tell him be quiet but he hollers the louder. "Jesus son of David have pity on me" Jesus hear this and asks he be brought to him. Jesus asks "what do you want of me?" the blind man answers "Please Lord let me see" Jesus told him "your faith has saved you" and immediately he could see.

Jesus never forces himself on us. When ask for what I need do I do so believing Jesus will hear me and answer my prayer? Or do I believe just in case it might be true.

We pray for many things but do we have the faith needed for God to interact with us? Ask and you shall receive. Now the gift does not always look like what I had hoped it would look like. In looking back at all the prayers where I asked for something specific many times it was  not what I thought it should be but just what was needed in the situation.

In our culture today it is not cool to ask for what we need, to even cry out. Our culture says we need to find a way to help ourselves and not ask others.

In the West Indies where I ministered for 10 years it is strongly believed when God can't come he sends.
Do we take time to recognize those who are sent as a response to our prayer " Please help me"
Perhaps we are the one sent. Are you prepared to be sent as God's gift to another who has said "Lord please help me?"

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What are your talents

   Today the reflection on the Gospel is about the Master giving his workers various talents. Some  worker used their talents and also acquired more talents to share with the Master when he returned. One worker buried his as he was afraid of the Master.

     God is the Master. God has given each of us talents. Some persons I know have used their talents and acquired more talents. In thinking of that some things I now know how to do well I learned by education, by watching others and by trying things out.

Can you list your talents? Have you learned any new ones along the years? Sometimes by practicing what we see we learn we have a talent for something which we didn't even know we had.

I did share I went to the cranberry fest in Warrens. I had a piece of cranberry pie there and loved it. I looked for a recipe and decided I would make a cranberry pie. Now I have not made any pie from scratch in my 75 years. After the 2nd try I feel it tastes as good as the one I bought and I feel a sense of pride that I now can say I made a pie and can make another one with confidence. Now that is not a big thing but it pleased me and hopefully those who has a piece of the pie. 

I believe I am a good counselor but that came after years and watching others and learning to listen. 

On this day spend a few moments thanking God for the talents that have been given to you. Spend some time on reflecting on acquiring new talents that you can share with others.

Praise God for the journey.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reading spiritually revisited

In September I commented on the practice of spiritual reading and reading spiritually. Today, I had some relax time to read the paper. I did so wondering what is there in the paper that can nourish me spiritually today and for the week.

Here a some things that came to my attention as I read the paper today:

USA weekend: Embrace the opportunities: " I have found each decade, each age, has opportunities that weren't actually there in previous time. They've been a joy at each stage of my life" Last week I had many opportunities to experience the presence of God. I am looking forward to this week.

wausau daily herald Volunteer finds satisfaction helping others.  She learned it at home from her mother helping those who stopped by that were hungry. she now volunteers at church food pantry. she said "there is satisfaction in helping someone, doing something good for someone besides yourself. And that's what it's all about if you a Christian" there are many volunteer opportunities available to help others and for me to get out of my comfort zone. Try it you'll like it.

Take it slow: family focuses on fewer outside activities
"Families who spend time together while their children are young tend to have stronger family bond for decades." " A national slow family movement has sprung up to counter the hectic modern hectic lifestyle.
Surprisingly that applies to those of us in religious life as well. It is important for the two of us to have our evening meal together and share how the day went, an opportunity to reflect on where was God in all of it.

Packers benefit from Well's brains brawn: "Scott Wells packers center his relative anonymity is a sign of excellence.""He doesn't get the recognition he deserves, but he is a great player and we all know that". Wells prefers to defer credit to his teammates. Here a person who we can say understands servant mentality not keeping the credit all for himself.

Reading the paper can just be something I do or it can be an opportunity to read spiritually and obtain some food for the soul for the week ahead.

Have a super week, full of surprises, enjoy the stage of life you are in and I pray you will find new opportunities to be of service to others.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Who does your behavior say you are?

Today is the rememberance day of Saint Charles Borromero He once said" be sure you first preach by the way you live.If you do not people will notice that you say one thing,but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and dersive shake of he head"

It reminded me of the story of St.Francis asking several bothers to go out to preach but walk through town and saying nothing. They came back and then asked when are we going back to preach. He said you just did.

Behavior, roles and example are very interesting especially if you are not aware of the various roles you play.

I myself thought of this today on my way to visit my brother. What are my roles? I am a sister to my brother, a religous Sister, representative of the Catholic church, nurse, friend, companion, advocate, counselor, member of a relgious community that shares in common, acquaintance, employee in ministry, board member, individual person, one who likes to have enjoyment and sometimes stirs up life, one who practices centering prayer, reflection of God and there are more roles I am sure. I also represent all the perceptions and notions you have of these various roles. Now the question is how does my behavior match up with how I believe I should be in each of these roles? Most of the time we are in more than one role at a time.

Take some time to contemplate the various roles you are in one day.

If you are a parent be aware your behavior is teaching your children how to be a parent. That is true of each of the roles, we teach others how we feel the role should be. They then  measure us against what they feel the role be. Hopefully there is a match.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

miracles happen every day--angels appear

Today was very moving day for me. I met with a man deep in grief as he shared his wife's news of strange type of cancer of the bone.  Sobbing he shared his story of estrangement, anger, loss of hope, going to chapel to challenge and aggravate God.

God extended love and compassion to him, leading him  to come to realization his wife is 1/2 of him. I never really realized that. I am loosing 1/2 of myself.

He related after he stopped aggravating God, He said God told him "You are to be her rock. Go and hold her hand, be there for her."  There was no messages from God about the life journey of this man. He  was received as the father received his prodigal son.

He spoke of the experience of  positive energy which he is relating to his wife as he holds her hand. He spoke of the miracle he received. Spoke of being told hold you wife's hand be there for her.  He said"I feel I experienced a miracle and I did not believe in miracles much less the God I was raised to know."

He now is a man of hope, full of strength for his wife. He now is ready to give back.

He asked to speak with me as he said I was told to share the story with you, so now you hold it.

I feel I experienced a miracle today as my angel guided me to that hospital room, to invite this man to speake with me and to listen to this man. I only invited him as I felt I was needing to speak with him.

After we spoke I went and talked with his wife and she indeed did look better, smiling and even had some pink in her cheeks.

If you have a moment say a prayer for him and his wife. This journey has just begun. I am confident of  God's guidance along the way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How is your week going and its only Wed!!

What a week so far, was it really more busy than usual or does it just seem that way?

Monday Halloween I am grateful we had the trick or treat kids on Sunday in the day light. I am saddened that parents have to check the candy to be sure nothing was put in to harm their child. Gone are the good ole days when we just went out and were free and happy.

Tuesday All Saints. I was thinking I couldn't think of a saint that had life completely without suffering in their day. Many were ignore, shunned, labeled crazy and considered marginalized.

In the history of our community at the end of our foundress life, the women entering the community did not know she was the foundress. She was living in community with them and they did not know who she was. She was forbidden to let anyone know she was the foundress. Joan of Arc burned at the stake, Edith Stein, carmelite Sister killed in gas chambers during WWII, Oscar Romero shot while saying Mass, and there are more. As a young nun I prayed to become a saint so far I haven't reconsidered.

Today we prayed for those who have died. We pray that they will enjoy the face of God. We don't know how or when this happens but we do know we are in communion as we pray for them. 

In my experience praying for others whether living or gone before me helps me. It is really hard to pray for someone and not feel some connection to them. A good lesson for those we sometimes are upset with, or those feel at a distance from, or maybe those we even distance ourselves from. 

Who knows what tomorrow brings but I know God gives me the graces I need for each day and tomorrow isn't here yet!