Monday, November 14, 2011

faith and asking

Today is one of my favorite scripture stories. It is of the blind man who hears a commotion. He asks what is going on. They tell him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by. He hollers out "Jesus, son of David have pity oh me"
Like any other gathering they tell him be quiet but he hollers the louder. "Jesus son of David have pity on me" Jesus hear this and asks he be brought to him. Jesus asks "what do you want of me?" the blind man answers "Please Lord let me see" Jesus told him "your faith has saved you" and immediately he could see.

Jesus never forces himself on us. When ask for what I need do I do so believing Jesus will hear me and answer my prayer? Or do I believe just in case it might be true.

We pray for many things but do we have the faith needed for God to interact with us? Ask and you shall receive. Now the gift does not always look like what I had hoped it would look like. In looking back at all the prayers where I asked for something specific many times it was  not what I thought it should be but just what was needed in the situation.

In our culture today it is not cool to ask for what we need, to even cry out. Our culture says we need to find a way to help ourselves and not ask others.

In the West Indies where I ministered for 10 years it is strongly believed when God can't come he sends.
Do we take time to recognize those who are sent as a response to our prayer " Please help me"
Perhaps we are the one sent. Are you prepared to be sent as God's gift to another who has said "Lord please help me?"

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