Monday, November 28, 2011

Faith in healing power of Jesus

Today the reading is about the centurion(officer of Jewish army) asking Jesus to come and heal his servant. Strange request as servants were considered property and the centurion could easily get another one without any trouble.

Jesus told him his faith that allowed Jesus to heal the servant.

I asked myself do I have faith when I ask for needs or is it just hoping it will happen. Faith is stronger conviction that God will do what is best in the situation, which just might not be what I am thinking will happen.

The centurion also demonstrated care for his servant and did not consider him just disposable property. I found myself thinking how do I treat those with whom I have no relationship, do I pray for those in need or just those who are in my circle?

On this 2nd day of Advent preparation I pray that I may be more aware of the needs of others and pray for an increase in faith. (Little more doesn't hurt.)

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