Today is the rememberance day of Saint Charles Borromero He once said" be sure you first preach by the way you live.If you do not people will notice that you say one thing,but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and dersive shake of he head"
It reminded me of the story of St.Francis asking several bothers to go out to preach but walk through town and saying nothing. They came back and then asked when are we going back to preach. He said you just did.
Behavior, roles and example are very interesting especially if you are not aware of the various roles you play.
I myself thought of this today on my way to visit my brother. What are my roles? I am a sister to my brother, a religous Sister, representative of the Catholic church, nurse, friend, companion, advocate, counselor, member of a relgious community that shares in common, acquaintance, employee in ministry, board member, individual person, one who likes to have enjoyment and sometimes stirs up life, one who practices centering prayer, reflection of God and there are more roles I am sure. I also represent all the perceptions and notions you have of these various roles. Now the question is how does my behavior match up with how I believe I should be in each of these roles? Most of the time we are in more than one role at a time.
Take some time to contemplate the various roles you are in one day.
If you are a parent be aware your behavior is teaching your children how to be a parent. That is true of each of the roles, we teach others how we feel the role should be. They then measure us against what they feel the role be. Hopefully there is a match.
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