Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What did you see today?

Today Luke in his comment says blessed are the eyes that see what you see" What did you see today? Did you see the presence of God unexpectedly?

Advent season calls us to see the world around us with the eyes of God. Faith is what helps us realize it is the touch of God that is in everything I see and in all relationships.

Today I saw a older lady who can barely walk struggling to come into Saint Clare's to volunteer. She says she is happy to give to others and be a part of something. I forgot my knee hurt somewhat.

I talked to several people on the phone who were upset and just needed someone to talk to. I wondered did God send them to me. One lady called and I notice she called the clinic and didn't want to go to her appointment.
When I talked to her she just wanted me to pray for her. I don't know where she got my phone number. It didn't matter.

I talked to a homeless mother who does work at Ministry and all she wanted was for me to put a ball on the giving tree for a truck for her little son.

Thank you God for giving me these experiences today and as I reflect on my day tonight may I see you more clearly in all of them. I pray for you to open my eyes to see your love in my daily life and to guide me in how you wish me to respond to the broken lives and hurting world.

What did you see today?

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