Sunday, November 13, 2011

What are your talents

   Today the reflection on the Gospel is about the Master giving his workers various talents. Some  worker used their talents and also acquired more talents to share with the Master when he returned. One worker buried his as he was afraid of the Master.

     God is the Master. God has given each of us talents. Some persons I know have used their talents and acquired more talents. In thinking of that some things I now know how to do well I learned by education, by watching others and by trying things out.

Can you list your talents? Have you learned any new ones along the years? Sometimes by practicing what we see we learn we have a talent for something which we didn't even know we had.

I did share I went to the cranberry fest in Warrens. I had a piece of cranberry pie there and loved it. I looked for a recipe and decided I would make a cranberry pie. Now I have not made any pie from scratch in my 75 years. After the 2nd try I feel it tastes as good as the one I bought and I feel a sense of pride that I now can say I made a pie and can make another one with confidence. Now that is not a big thing but it pleased me and hopefully those who has a piece of the pie. 

I believe I am a good counselor but that came after years and watching others and learning to listen. 

On this day spend a few moments thanking God for the talents that have been given to you. Spend some time on reflecting on acquiring new talents that you can share with others.

Praise God for the journey.

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