Thursday, November 3, 2011

miracles happen every day--angels appear

Today was very moving day for me. I met with a man deep in grief as he shared his wife's news of strange type of cancer of the bone.  Sobbing he shared his story of estrangement, anger, loss of hope, going to chapel to challenge and aggravate God.

God extended love and compassion to him, leading him  to come to realization his wife is 1/2 of him. I never really realized that. I am loosing 1/2 of myself.

He related after he stopped aggravating God, He said God told him "You are to be her rock. Go and hold her hand, be there for her."  There was no messages from God about the life journey of this man. He  was received as the father received his prodigal son.

He spoke of the experience of  positive energy which he is relating to his wife as he holds her hand. He spoke of the miracle he received. Spoke of being told hold you wife's hand be there for her.  He said"I feel I experienced a miracle and I did not believe in miracles much less the God I was raised to know."

He now is a man of hope, full of strength for his wife. He now is ready to give back.

He asked to speak with me as he said I was told to share the story with you, so now you hold it.

I feel I experienced a miracle today as my angel guided me to that hospital room, to invite this man to speake with me and to listen to this man. I only invited him as I felt I was needing to speak with him.

After we spoke I went and talked with his wife and she indeed did look better, smiling and even had some pink in her cheeks.

If you have a moment say a prayer for him and his wife. This journey has just begun. I am confident of  God's guidance along the way.

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