Sunday, November 27, 2011


Today is the first Sunday of advent. The preparation time for remembering Christ's Birthday and what it means to me as a follower of Jesus, a light to the world. 

Isaiah preaches our God is a God of beginnings. We can take a moment and reflect on all the new beginnings in our lives. Advent is a time not only of preparation but of waiting, watching, lest we miss the opportunity for a new beginning, something new God would like to re-create in us.

Ministry health through Sister Lois has provided an advent refection book for Senior leaders. Each day as we prepare for Christ's birthday I may take some reflections from this daily reflection book and share them with you. 

The beginning reflection is one about waiting. The Jewish people waited for the coming of the Messiah for liberation and justice. 

 Each day while at Ministry I see people waiting, in surgical waiting room, outside ICU, in Family birth center and in the emergency room. I have come to learn to wait. It hasn't always been a easy task to master. Today I waited in line in Walgreen's, now that doesn't seem the same kind of waiting as in other circumstances. But believe it or not I was peaceful as the lady in front of me charged out 4 little piles of a few things she had for other people. I found myself saying God teach me how to wait with peace. I don't know what it meant to the lady but it was an opportunity to be at peace in a hurried world, much needed I think.

I wish you a blessed time of waiting and watching as you prepare to celebrate Christ entering into your life and being re-born again as a light for this troubled world.

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