Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last day of January

It is hard to believe it is the last day of January. It really doesn't feel like that her in central Wisconsin. Someone said it will be in 50's today. I hope it wont cause problems for mother earth and the farmers in the spring.

It has been a month since Jan 1. I hope your new years resolutions were reaching out to others. It is much more energizing than the don't list sometimes we make for new years resolutions.

In today's scripture reading Jesus reached out to those who didn't count, a child, elderly lady with hemorrhage issue, child of synagogue official. All received healing because of their faith.

I pray I have faith enough today to reach out to those who are forgotten in my world today.

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time with a elderly lady in the hospital whose almost passed out shopping. Her children don't know she is in the hospital because " they discontinued their phones and have cell phones and I don't have their numbers." A kind lady shopping saw to it that she got to the hospital. How many times when we go shopping we don't even see the other people that are also shopping?

I still prefer to do one positive act each day than dwelling on the don't do this and don't do that. How about you?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 commandments now gone?

We had an interesting visiting priest at Mass last night. He said the 10 commandments are gone!! Where did they go I asked myself. Then inside said okay this will be interesting.

The lawyer asked what else must I do to achieve perfection? I keep the law, take care of the poor, pray. Jesus said Love God and your neighbor as yourself.

If we love God with our whole self, mind, body, and spirit we will honor God in all we do, will never say anything negative about God or use God's name in negative way, we will want to spend time with God and keep holy that relationship and of course honor our parents who worked with God to help us be here.

If we love others as we love ourselves, we wont kill them, steal from them, bear false witness against them, commit adultery or desire what they have to point we are so obsessed cant live without it.

We won't gossip, take things home from other places that dont belong to us, we will give others credit for what they do, thank then for what they do, carry a load of another, share the work, be a comfort in time of sorrow or disappointment, visit those who are sick, send a card, pray for them, and most of all free anyone for any bondage that that we might cause.

Jesus said this is a new law what we must do to achieve perfection.

I fall short in so many ways so I need the guidance of the Spirit to be able to continue on the way Jesus teaches me.  So sometimes we try to get out of it by asking who is my neighbor? Hopefully not that person who I would rather not related to. Sometimes I don't want to share my time my space, myself with others. Jesus life was an example of how to carry this out. I know when he went away to pray they came after him and wanted him to teach them. Jesus's life provides an example for me how to carry out the way to perfection.

How about you? Who is your mentor, guide in carrying out the two commandments.?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

You are loved no matter what

Today in praying with the liturgy of the Hours I was struck with the meaning of the reading from
Wisdom 11:23-26.

The Liturgy of the Hours is the prayer of the Church prayed by priests, deacons, religious and some laity throughout the world. Anyone who wants to can pray in this manner can. Most often it is prayed in morning and evening.Cloistered communities pray it more often.

Back to the reading from Wisdom. It states I am loved no matter what ,as I am created by God and therefore loved by God. God could not fashion something negative. The only way I am distant from God is if I chose to be. The wrong I have done is "overlooked for the sake of repentance." That truly is good news.

Now I ask myself do I behave as if I and all around me are loved by God?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Committed to serve

I enjoy looking at the person of the day that is being noted as a follower of Jesus.

Today Angela Merici was remembered. She was an orphan at an early age, surely not a easy time in the 1500's nor is it today!!

She lived in Lombardy Italy and spent many years in prayerful simplicity following the way of St Francis as a 3rd order lay member. She has a dream that she should start a community of women. I don't know about you but such a dream must have been something she questioned. I am not sure we pay that  much attention to the fact that God does and can speak to us in our dreams as well in the events of our day.

For years after the dream she spent her time instructing children of her poor neighbors. Women were inspired by her example and asked to follow her.

I myself was inspired by the example of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother who were at the nursing school that I attended. To me they were able to touch the lives of the sick in a way I felt I couldn't as a nurse. I prayed to be able to touch lives as they did and now you know the rest of that story.

Do you believe you are touching the lives of those who watch and see what you do? It may be your friends, your acquaintances or perhaps your children. If you are not sure ask them. What rule of life do you follow?

In reading of Scripture for today Jesus talked about the mustard seed. I believe a dream that unfolded many years later surely is an example of a mustard seed. You may not know now what influence you have to others, but you do have an influence. It is up to you what you want to leave behind as your mustard seed.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

remember when you had a conversion experience?

Conversion experience what is that. I describe it as being turned inside out. Some are plain and some more dramatic.

Today we read of Saul being thrown off his horse, becoming blind and Jesus asking why are you persecuting me. He ended up going to see the prophet for healing and becoming Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles.

We may not be thrown off a horse but any encounter with Jesus does change us. It depends on our response. An apostle brings the Good news to life to those they interact with.

Recall you own conversion experience, have you been good news because of it?

I think recently being told I have the beginning of macular degeneration in my left eye. Doctor said it may take years to develop and to need treatment. Time of choice let it go and say it is years from now, or thank God for the chance to see now. It may not be a big conversion experience but it matters how I respond to this. I could choose to be angry. God says know I am with you always.

It have me thinking of my beloved grandmother who was blind. We never knew what caused it. I remember the struggles she had to just enjoy an ordinarily day.

 I thank God that I did receive some notice. Life it too short to dwell or worry about such things. After all it is in God's hands.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jesus called those he wanted

Jesus whole ministry showed he wanted everyone. He called those who no one else wanted the sick, poor, women, children, laborers, tax collectors, fishermen, well to do people. Each person was called to be sent in Jesus name.

It is not are you called but to what are you called? Are you called to bring the good News that we all are called? Are you called to support those who are called to be apostles, which means those who are sent forth.

We know the story of the rich young man who was called to leave all and follow Jesus but he found it too much to give.

Jesus wants anyone who will listen and learn from him. He said learn from me not learn about me. In reading books we learn about Jesus in letting ourselves center our selves in some quiet time and focus on Jesus we deepen our relationship with him 

The scripture reading for today is about how Jesus appointed the apostles, and disciples to what they are to do. If we are not in a relationship with him we will miss what we are being called to do.

It is never too late to inter into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

We can take a few moments and talk to Jesus to help us in our call to be a better wife, mother, friend, religious Sister, church worker, volunteer and so many other roles we have. I pray also for you as God knows who you are and I ask you to also pray for me that I too my deepen my relationship with Jesus as I go forth.

Friday, January 13, 2012

praying our Goodbyes

Today I am still thinking about goodbyes. I am sure you have an event of yesterday that becomes part of your today. This is an opportunity to ponder the meaning of it all. Imagine a simple retirement party still lingering.

We have goodbyes everyday. Some are passing like a person we met at a meeting or event. We say see ya, call if you are in town, or stop by. But in heart of hearts we know it wont happen. It is far better to say it was a pleasure to know you. I learned or gained...from you.

What is there about us we don't know how to say goodbyes? I guess that is why Joyce Rupp's book Praying our goodbyes was such a popular book

Daily goodbyes are preparation for the bigger goodbyes.

Not all goodbyes are pleasant. We give our self permission to grieve the passing of a friend, the loss of a job, a broken relationship. If we don't grieve we cant be open to the new relationship, the new job, or the ability to see the gift to us of the one who passed on.

In life we need to say goodbye in life changes, such as marriage and new family unit, moving from one part of our country to another, changes in lives of those we love that affect us, and not least of all our own changes of body, mind and spirit.

I pray you may have the experience of praying your own goodbyes.

Life after all is a continuous hello even when we say our final goodbye.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today we had a retirement party for our Director of Environmental Services and Registrars. She herself had trouble counting the years she worked in Ministry. She had been in 2 other hospitals and came when we opened the new one.

It was touching to see her staff prepare the party, give her their gifts and tell all of us how precious she is to them. What a way to leave a workplace. It was a grace filled moment a time to say thank you. A time to tell the stories of the journey, a time for memories. A time to say goodbye and sharing of thoughts of what is to come.

Some people don't know how to say good bye. To share the good, to celebrate the journey. Unless one says good bye one cant say hello to the next person who comes.

How good are you at goodbyes?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today was one of those joyous days for me as I got to go around the hospital and treatment center and just ask people how they are and how did their holidays go?
I usually find some tidbit that can make something better for someone. 

As usual some had family Christmas issues and are glad it is over. Most had a great time.

 Like me those who stayed home also had a great time. Time to relax. I saw more movies in the week than I have seen in 6 years. A real treat. Who in their right mind pays to see a movie that makes you cry for 2 1/2 hours? Me! If you haven't seen War Horse I highly recommend it as well as The Help.

In our daily experience how often do we find someone who will listen to us? I tried an experiment on this, someone asked me how are you? I said terrible. They replied good and kept walking. I asked myself do I do that as well? Do I really listen when others are sharing or talking to me or am I thinking of what is the next thing I have to do, or want  to say ,or where I am going?

Today we had a breakfast meeting with the Hospital President and the employees who are nominated by patients  a number of times as Living our Promise to keep patients first. When asking each employee why they were remembered and mentioned by the patients they said I listen, I treat them as a individual. It was very touching to hear the stories of how they each do that.

I felt the power of their living the values and prayed for each of them for their giftedness and willingness to share their gifts.

How was your day? Did you listen to anyone? If not there is always tomorrow

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany the event of the kings searching., following  the star to find the one who was to come the Savior,  the Holy one.

It is the remembrance when became clear that Jesus was present to all humankind not just the Jewish people.

In the Eastern Church this day is their Christmas celebration-when Christ was recognized by the Kings who were not Jewish. Some cultures, such as in Ireland and Scotland, celebrate this day as "little Christmas"

We all have moments of Epiphany in our daily lives, moments where we are very aware of the presence of God.

I pray for each of you that you experience many Epiphany's during the coming year. May you know the presence of God in the ordinary activities of your life.

May we be generous as the Kings were and offer our gifts to God. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is your heritage and spirituality integrated

Today we remember Thea Bowman a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration from La Crosse Wis community.
 She integrated her Catholic faith with her African American culture and spirituality.

Sr. Thea, an African-American, gave presentations across the country; lively gatherings that combined singing, gospel preaching, prayer and storytelling. Her programs were directed to break down racial and cultural barriers. She encouraged people to communicate with one another so that they could understand other cultures and races.
In 1984, Sr. Thea was diagnosed with breast cancer. She prayed "to live until I die." Her prayer was answered, and Thea continued her gatherings seated in a wheelchair. In 1989, the U.S. bishops invited her to be a key speaker at their conference on Black Catholics. At the end of the meeting, at Thea's invitation, the bishops stood and sang "We Shall Overcome" with gusto.
Thea lived a full life. She fought evil, especially prejudice, suspicion, hatred and things that drive people apart. She fought for God and God's people until her death in 1990.

It caused me to reflect on what is my heritage? My cultural heritage is German. My parents passed on to me the value of hard work. The value of simplicity, love for creation, and trust in God. Throughout the years I have struggled with work-life balance. I respect and enjoy creation and have a deep sense of justice and care for the poor. Some of these values came from my heritage and some from my parents having lived through the depression and WWII.

What is spirituality? It is the inner path of a person which is the essence of who they are, their deepest values and how they live. It is the source of inspiration and orientation to life. It is not ones religion. One's religious orientation helps one live our their spirituality. Our religious tradition assists us in living out our spiritual path.

 My spiritual values are deep sense of trust and love of God, sense of community with all persons, justice and compassion especially toward those in need. For me Jesus is my mentor and friend.

I was born into the Catholic tradition which as a child I accepted. As an adult we need to determine what we really believe which in itself is a spiritual struggle. As a student nurse I saw how the Sisters touched the lives of others more deeply than I felt I could. I prayed to know how I could let others know how much Jesus loved me.

As Paul Harvey would say and "there is more to this story" but not today.

I leave you with two thoughts. What have you integrated into your life from your heritage? What is your spirituality?

Are these integrated in the way others experience you living your life?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Not what you do but who you are and how you are

It is interesting when we meet people they ask what do you do or where do you work? Does that really matter. I cant remember when someone said tell me about yourself.

We are aware God has given each of us different gifts and abilities according to God's design. We hear the reading "to those that much has been given much will be expected." Have you ever sat and thanked God for all your gifts and abilities? It is not too late, hopefully you are using them and being fully yourself.

Today we remember St. Andre Besette. He was an interesting fellow. He was from a working-class society in 1800's not educated or having a trade. He did manual work as he could find it.

He had a deep devotion to St. Joseph and finally entered the Holy Cross order as a brother. After his training as a brother he was assigned to the post of doorman.  It similar to today person who greets you at a hotel and opens the door for you. It is said he joked and said he was shown the door after his training to be a brother and I remained there 40 years.

He had a reputation for holiness and spent his free time visiting the sick. He lived to be 91. When he died million people came to show their respect for him.

He was know for his holiness not his education, skills or position in his community.

What do you think you will be known for? Hopefully it will be how you lived your own God given spiritual life, using your gifts and serving others.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dont worry it isnt life threatening

Good bye vacation. Back to ministry at the medical center today. In psalm this morning God said I have been with you in many situations. For a few moments I recalled these times and indeed God was with me but through it. Sometimes I thought it meant God would take it away.

To be honest the best learning and best gifts were given during these times.

I pray to remember today God is with me and has made a covenant with me and I with God. Must admit God is more dependable with covenants than I am but I am growing in the process.

Last night the furnace sounded loud and troublesome. I was afraid to go to bed as I felt my time has not yet come. I called hosptial maintenance and he told me what was wrong. He diagnosed it over the phone by the sound. He said we will take care of it in the morning don't worry it is not life threatening. The fan is getting old. I trust him and so slept just fine.

It is amazing what trust can do. Today I trust God will see me through the day whatever it holds as like maintenance man, God said don't worry it isn't life threatening.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What are you called to Be?

I was excited today at morning praise when I read from Isaiah 61:1-3. " the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me, He has sent me to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord... to comfort those who morn"

For years this has been my personal call from God and it has not changed over the years. It sounds like a doing thing but it is more a Being thing. It encompasses the values of Justice, service to the poor and letting go. Interestingly enough one has to experience these values to share them.

Many of you are mothers, how are you responding to being the best mother you can be? Gentle and  understanding like Mary the model of mothers. Do you have a description of a model mother in your mind?

Some of you are in leadership positions. All those mentioned by Isaiah are in your circle.

This past month I spoke to many employees who were brokenhearted because they had little to share for Christmas. They forgot sharing of themselves is the most important gift to those they love. Do you have the value of justice in your workplace. As the leader are you looking at your guidelines, policies and way of doing things and asking yourself are they just to those they affect.

I pray for you to day that you may take time to look at your role in life and what you are called to Be and have the courage to follow your call.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


It is a time we see on the news the events of the past year. When the year began we had no idea of all those events.

Today is a time of reflection on the past but not to dwell there. We also look to the future but we are not there either. So I guess it is best to just stay in the present and do the best we can this moment. We all have just 24 hours to our day, it up to us to decide how to use these moments.

Today I took some prayer time to be grateful for the events of my life this last year. The times of grace, for I experienced God with me in each event. Some times also were times of not being sure. For example this week I learned I have the beginning of macular degeneration in my left eye. Doc said it may take years to develop to need treatment. I now have a choice. I can be worried for years, or I can let it go into God's hand and be grateful each day for what I now see. I don't know what life would be like without the experience of God's presence.

So we really don't know what this new year will bring, what choices we will have to make, what discernment we would be wise to do, but we can be sure God is with us all the way. That is enough for me how about you?
             Blessed journey to you, it begins now.