Saturday, January 28, 2012

You are loved no matter what

Today in praying with the liturgy of the Hours I was struck with the meaning of the reading from
Wisdom 11:23-26.

The Liturgy of the Hours is the prayer of the Church prayed by priests, deacons, religious and some laity throughout the world. Anyone who wants to can pray in this manner can. Most often it is prayed in morning and evening.Cloistered communities pray it more often.

Back to the reading from Wisdom. It states I am loved no matter what ,as I am created by God and therefore loved by God. God could not fashion something negative. The only way I am distant from God is if I chose to be. The wrong I have done is "overlooked for the sake of repentance." That truly is good news.

Now I ask myself do I behave as if I and all around me are loved by God?

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