Wednesday, January 25, 2012

remember when you had a conversion experience?

Conversion experience what is that. I describe it as being turned inside out. Some are plain and some more dramatic.

Today we read of Saul being thrown off his horse, becoming blind and Jesus asking why are you persecuting me. He ended up going to see the prophet for healing and becoming Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles.

We may not be thrown off a horse but any encounter with Jesus does change us. It depends on our response. An apostle brings the Good news to life to those they interact with.

Recall you own conversion experience, have you been good news because of it?

I think recently being told I have the beginning of macular degeneration in my left eye. Doctor said it may take years to develop and to need treatment. Time of choice let it go and say it is years from now, or thank God for the chance to see now. It may not be a big conversion experience but it matters how I respond to this. I could choose to be angry. God says know I am with you always.

It have me thinking of my beloved grandmother who was blind. We never knew what caused it. I remember the struggles she had to just enjoy an ordinarily day.

 I thank God that I did receive some notice. Life it too short to dwell or worry about such things. After all it is in God's hands.

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