Friday, January 6, 2012

Not what you do but who you are and how you are

It is interesting when we meet people they ask what do you do or where do you work? Does that really matter. I cant remember when someone said tell me about yourself.

We are aware God has given each of us different gifts and abilities according to God's design. We hear the reading "to those that much has been given much will be expected." Have you ever sat and thanked God for all your gifts and abilities? It is not too late, hopefully you are using them and being fully yourself.

Today we remember St. Andre Besette. He was an interesting fellow. He was from a working-class society in 1800's not educated or having a trade. He did manual work as he could find it.

He had a deep devotion to St. Joseph and finally entered the Holy Cross order as a brother. After his training as a brother he was assigned to the post of doorman.  It similar to today person who greets you at a hotel and opens the door for you. It is said he joked and said he was shown the door after his training to be a brother and I remained there 40 years.

He had a reputation for holiness and spent his free time visiting the sick. He lived to be 91. When he died million people came to show their respect for him.

He was know for his holiness not his education, skills or position in his community.

What do you think you will be known for? Hopefully it will be how you lived your own God given spiritual life, using your gifts and serving others.

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