Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 commandments now gone?

We had an interesting visiting priest at Mass last night. He said the 10 commandments are gone!! Where did they go I asked myself. Then inside said okay this will be interesting.

The lawyer asked what else must I do to achieve perfection? I keep the law, take care of the poor, pray. Jesus said Love God and your neighbor as yourself.

If we love God with our whole self, mind, body, and spirit we will honor God in all we do, will never say anything negative about God or use God's name in negative way, we will want to spend time with God and keep holy that relationship and of course honor our parents who worked with God to help us be here.

If we love others as we love ourselves, we wont kill them, steal from them, bear false witness against them, commit adultery or desire what they have to point we are so obsessed cant live without it.

We won't gossip, take things home from other places that dont belong to us, we will give others credit for what they do, thank then for what they do, carry a load of another, share the work, be a comfort in time of sorrow or disappointment, visit those who are sick, send a card, pray for them, and most of all free anyone for any bondage that that we might cause.

Jesus said this is a new law what we must do to achieve perfection.

I fall short in so many ways so I need the guidance of the Spirit to be able to continue on the way Jesus teaches me.  So sometimes we try to get out of it by asking who is my neighbor? Hopefully not that person who I would rather not related to. Sometimes I don't want to share my time my space, myself with others. Jesus life was an example of how to carry this out. I know when he went away to pray they came after him and wanted him to teach them. Jesus's life provides an example for me how to carry out the way to perfection.

How about you? Who is your mentor, guide in carrying out the two commandments.?

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