Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today we celebrate Rosh Hashanah-Happy New Year

Today is the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah.
Now you may wonder why is this important to me. Jesus was a Jew he was not a Christian.
Unless we spend some time learning of the Jewish heritage we will not understand the tradition which Jesus learned, lived and challenged. It was because of his challenging what he felt God was calling him to change the Christian tradition came to be.
Today let us celebrate with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Wishing them a Happy New Year. If you want to learn of the traditions you can find them on the Internet.

The following is a Jewish prayer
"As we dip our apples in honey, we pray for an additional measure of sweetness. May we continue to grow in our commitment to our faith, our people and community. May all Jews experience blessings in the year ahead, and may the world become a better place for all your children." Rabbis Bennett Miller & Eric Lankin

Rosh Hashanah traditions include many practices symbolic of leadership and blessings for a year in which we lead with success in our respective concerns. May Israel lead this year with strength and courage. May all of us, wherever we are, be blessed with wise and courageous leadership, and may the new year bring peace, prosperity and life to all humankind.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Earlier today I wrote on the blog and lost it twice. So a sign for me not to publish it. Are you thinking what that was about?
God speaks with me and guides me by signs. Such a sign for me was asking God if he was with me and the sign I asked for was a cardinal. Few moments later a cardinal showed up outside our house in the tree. I felt more confident the way the decision I was making was the right way to go.

When reading about the Franciscan way I learned it also is open to signs. Loosing the blog twice mean to me not to publish that one.

Have you ever asked for a sign as an answer to your  discernment?

How does God speak to you?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Recreation necessary for contemplation

Today we went to Warrens to the cranberry mash festival
I tell you alot of vendors and more stuff one didn't need. Saw hundreds, hundreds of people in main street of town.

Two people said hi Sister Sharee, oh my so much for anonymity!Then Sister Lois saw someone she knew from home. Friends from high school.

We enjoyed the day and the changing of the leaves.The leaves were brighter today than a couple of days ago. Staycation is winding down and the best idea we had for a vacation for a long time.

Sometimes we drive so far and then back that we need a vacation to recuperated from vacation.

What have you done for fun this week? there are still another day left if you need it to take a break. Recreation is necessary to put ones self in the spirit for contemplation. It all part of the mind, body spirit.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

planting seeds

Today did get to another thing on my bucket list. What is one thing yours? You know those things you always want to do but never get to. That is what staycations help with.
I planted two kinds of tulips and bag of crocus in the front flower bed. I will be eagerly waiting to see in the spring if they come up in all their splendor. Now planting is work but with the hope of a good crop at at time later.

I was thinking what other seeds am I planting these days, and will they bear fruit?

I am hoping the thoughts and reflections of this blog will help others see God in their ordinary daily life.

I hope by attending a funeral I can plant the seed of the Resurrection  to a grieving mother who can't hear of eternal life  that at this time of mourning. I wonder did Mary know of the Resurrection?  She too supported frightened apostles in their grief while she herself was grieving.

I invite you to look at what seeds you are planting today.
feel free to share them if you feel so inclined.Id love to hear from you.

If you cant think of anything, tulip bulbs are great to plant.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grief, Pain, Mother's sorrow

I am on vacation but I went to a funeral today. One of my volunteers daughter died unexpectedly at age 51, following a motorcycle accident. She was just a few days from being discharged from rehab to her mother and dad's home. I just felt I needed to go to be of some visible support to the parents. Unfortunately this is the 2nd adult child they lost unexpectedly. All I could think to say is you and your family are in my prayers.

Parents don't plan that their children preceed them to God's home. Many memories at the service.That is okay but dont wait any longer than now to tell someone you love them and appreciate them, forgive them if you are upset with them let it go. Suprisingly when we are upset with someone they often dont even know it.

I was encouraged to see so many there from our parish and the 3rd order franciscans. The service was in a church other than the parents Catholic parish. I could see they appreciated every person who came and talked with them.

It really takes so little to extend ones self and the benefit is huge and longlasting.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Rejoice with those celebrating the anniversary of their profession to religious life.
Today went to Oshkosh to celebrate the Jubilee anniversary of our Sisters in the Midwest& Caribbean areas. In religious life this is like a wedding anniversary.

I was very touched by the (3) Sisters that celebrated 75 years of service in Religious life. (6) Celebrated 60 years of service, (1) celebrated 50 years of service and (5) celebrated 25 years of service as vowed Religious women in the community of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother.

 I was witnessing faithfulness one day at a time. When I  first publicly pronounced my vows I never thought  I am vowing this for 53 years.
All relationships are one day at a time of faithfulness. That in itself in this time and age is counter cultural.

Treasure your friends today and be faithful to them, thank them for their support and  support them and help them on their life's journey.

None of us would choose to do the ups and downs of daily life alone. It doesn't matter what life style you are called to be grateful for your support system, celebrate milestones. 

Have your own anniversaries. Take someone in your support system for coffee this week and tell them thank you.
 Have your own Jubilee celebration knowing you don't need to wait 75,60,50,or 25 years.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

drama queen or really sick

Today Sophie was sick acting like she had a back strain, muscle pull or injury. One never knows so off to the vet she goes with Lois.
Now she happens to have a special love for Dr. Paul that is Sophie, of course Lois likes him.

After he examined her he thinks probably a pulled muscle, some anti-spasm pills that she can have every 24 hours. If not her I might take one myself.
God cares for all creatures big and small. That is Sophie love by God and by us as well. 

On one retreat I read a book I would recommend to you. God and Dog  by Wendy Francisco. The qualities mentioned were faithful, forgiving, doesn't remember when we are crabby, always happy to see us, stays with us no matter what and watches for us to come home.

As I write this I think she is on the mend.
I know I have seen love from both sides now, Thank you God for when I look up I see God when I look down I see Dog
I cant match their love for me.

Amen bow wow

(check Utube video God and dog)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Volunteers--How about me

    Today Ministry Health are had a leadership workshop for all the board members of the various Ministry boards. These are people who live in the local health care facility community and are giving their time and talent to make health care better in their community better for everyone. The challenges before them today are how can we continue make health care affordable, available and maintain quality of care. These volunteers are the busiest people I know. They are just like everyone else with more to do than time to do it, yet they find a way to help to make their community better for everyone. They come from all walks of life with experiences that can only make the care we deliver better. They see things in a different light than those of us who are working within the health care system. We need their Wisdom.
    When I see someone voluteering do I say thank you for making this part of the world a better place?
    The thought that came to my mind is where am I volunteering so I too can make the world a better place? There is no time like the present.  Everyone who volunteers will tell you, I get more out of this than I give.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Celebrate values--Live the Works of Mercy

Had a busy day today at Ministry doing annointing of the hands. I was proud the Administrator and her team blessed the hands of all the employees who wanted them blessed.

It was also neat to see the Medical director annoint hands as well.

At a noon luncheon,we recognized the many volunteers who bring communion to the patients. A service we would not have without their assistance.

Many employees stated they were touched the  annointing of their hands. We said a simple prayer "We thank you for your presence and bless you as you bring your presence to others"

We wish the same to your today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

changing seasons

Today I went to visit my brother Bert. He is 19 1/2 years older than me. He lives in assisted living which is 1hr 45minutes to 2 hours west of where I live.

As I was traveling west, I noticed some of the leaves are beginning to change color and become their beautiful fall colorful self.

I have also noticed my brother has less interest these past several months of going shopping or taking a drive to visit some friends.. He is content to stay in his space read and wind down. He will go out for lunch and then we come home.

I wondered am I also detaching, becoming a more integrated self as I am in my changing seasons.

We are aware of the weather changing and frost/freeze warnings, but  not always aware of our changing seasons in our lives and the gifts they bear, nor are we always aware of the changing seasons in the lives of those we love.

Lately at ministry I hear mothers telling me of their grieving their sons/daughters going off to college for the first time. "He left couple of weeks ago and hasn't called yet"  You are missing them and they are having a whole new adventure.
A time of changing seasons and letting go a detachment from your children from kids to adulthood

Another mom says " My kids are choosing what they want to wear to school and wouldn't be my choice. I guess if they get cold they will put more clothes on" there was a time not so long ago you had to dress them.

I pray we may be more aware of the changing of seasons in our life and the lives of those we love, support them and embrace the detachment that occurs as gift.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Today in the Catholic church liturgy is the feast of the Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
I dont know if you ever wondered why some nuns or order religious you may know, have different names that you might think strange. Like Sister Paul a man's name.
In the past when one became a vowed religious we were given another name as a sign of our detachement and as scripture says "take off the old man and put on the new." This name was also to signify another patron, model someone of the saints special to us.
Since Vatican II which most of you probably never heard of, most religious have a choice of keeping their Baptism name or choosing a new one. If you didnt like the name your parents gave you well here is the chance to legally change it.
Seeing my name Sharee is not a saints name I have chosen my baptism day as my Nameday. The day I became a child of God.
 In the convent we still celbrate our Namedays by recieving cards, greetings and if lucky a special meal.
I think it is a good way to celebrate our names so Happy Nameday to all those called Mary.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


The is alot to reflect on and pray about today
For one the anniversary of 911 and all that has happened.

The scripture reading today from Sirach says holding on to wrath and anger is not good and we should forgive.

The Gospel reading from  Matthew 18:21-35 about the servant who was forgiven but then turned around and wouldn't forgive one of his peers. Jesus answering Peter telling him there is no limit to how many times we should forgive.

Psalm 103 says the Lord is kind and  merciful, slow to anger and rich in compassion.

Jesus tells Peter the need to forgive from heart.

All this had me thinking about the prayer Jesus taught us. Forgive us this day our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.

How daily I can violate the space of others which is trespassing.
How we don't let others know we need space and become angry when we feel they have trespassed against us.

I pray I may become more aware of trespassing and be willing to say I am are sorry, making my  part of the world a more peaceful kind place. May I gently let others know when I need more space or time to avoid them trespassing against me.

May I be more mindful as I pray the Our Father what I am really being called to by Jesus

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spiritual Reading/ reading spiritually

In religious life there are supports/practices that help us on the journey of growing deeper in our spiritual life. One of these practices is Spiritual reading. We are encouraged to engage in spiritual reading at least 15min daily. This involves choosing a book, scripture which will help us where we currently are in our journey to grow deeper into what God has called us to Become. We then read slowly and reflect on what we have just read. Sometimes it is only a sentence or two.

When I was 19 and beginning in nursing school I was drawn to read. Seeds 0f Contemplation  by Thomas Merton. It had a great effect on my being called by God to become a religious Sister. Types of books for spiritual reading could be One minute wisdom buy Anthony de Mello, Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. Life of Mother Theresa of Calcutta and many others.
If you would like a suggestion let me know and maybe we can find something for you.
We also can become involved in reading spiritually. This involves not choosing a specific spiritual book but looking at events, books we read, TV in a spiritual light.

In our rushing busy world it is a treat to be able to sit down and read something of interest. When I do this I thank God for the opportunity to relax, no TV, phone and to just leisurely read.
We also can reflect on what we are reading in a spiritual manner.
Right now I am reading a romantic novel All she can be by Fern Michael's. It is romantic novel about a women whose success ended up affecting her marriage, a divorce and how her low self esteem got her into alot of guilt actions with her children. She thought she was present to her husband and children but she was doing for them not sharing or communicating. This can be an area of reflection for us. Do we eat dinner together ever? If so what do we talk about? Do those in relationship with you know your joys, goals, desires and struggles? Do we do things that compromise ourselves just out of guilt or because we haven't learned to set boundaries and say no? These are just some reflection thoughts I have regarding what I am reading.

We are bombarded with the News. Most of the time not uplifting. Here is an opportunity to pray for those we read about or see on TV.
Today's paper feature is about Obama plans falling short. I feel more energized praying for those unemployed, for those who could offer jobs and are afraid to.
Family mourns teen who died because he crawled up a rock hill he should not have in a park. We have a choice we can say okay he should not have done that and look what happened or we can pray for the family who is mourning a life cut short at 15.

I pray we have eyes to see and ears to hear the whisper of God in our world.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Power of Prayer

Yesterday when making rounds in the hospital Family birth Center, I went into the nursery of course. There one of the nurses asked me if I would give a blessing or prayer on the two babies in the incubators. Of course, I said it would be a privilege. So I laid my hand on each of them and told them that God loved them and had them in God's protecting hands. I thought of the psalm like a mother holds her child so I hold you, and prayed also for the staff awareness of God's protecting hand and healing. It was a very privileged moment for me. Life is so vulnerable. As I was leaving a young girl about 8 was outside and when I said hi she said I would like to see my little brother. So I had the staff open the window curtains so she could see him and told her could go in the nursery and visit as soon as her daddy came to go with her. She smile and I could see the love there.

Later I met with a wife in tears, fearful her 84 year old husband will not return home with her. He is indeed very sick after I listened and she felt assured we prayed he will return home soon and she will have the strength to continue to help him with his care.

It is great to be in a facility where one can pray openly no matter what ones official role or job and where the staff feel free to ask for prayers and participate in praying as well.

I ask you to please keep these persons in your prayers tomorrow.

I am looking forward to next week which is Mission and Values week at Ministry-Saint Clare's. the theme this year is Presence. On Thursday the CEO,Vice Presidents and myself will be going around and anointing the staffs hands with oil thanking them for their Presence and blessing them as they extend their presence to the others they serve and work with. Pray for them as well that they can continue to be Present to all with whom they come in contact.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gentle day 1st day back at ministry after retreat

Back at ministry today. I thought it would be overwhelming with being gone a week. God was good to me and I was able to get caught up. Have a few calls to make tomorrow but nothing pressing. I am looking forward to seeing staff tomorrow and visiting patients.
Thank you to all of you that also prayed for me. I did feel the power of you prayers

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dignity of work

Today Labor Day we pray for all those who have jobs that they may do the best they can as it is part of the caring community.
We pray for those who do not have jobs that they may not become discouraged in the search.
We pray for those who no longer can do active work and whose job is now to pray for the other travelers on the journey.
What ever your state thank God for the talents you have been given using them to praise the God who gave them to you to share with others.

Prayer for Work*

Creator God,
thank you for providing us
with the gift to share our talents.
Provide our community, our nation, our world
the fortitude to provide work for all
which is decent and fair.
Make us faithful stewards
of your creation
to enhance the human dignity
of our global family.
We ask this in the name of Jesus,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit
now and forever.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back from Vacation with God.

Back from vacation-retreat. Like all other vacations it always go as I had planned.
I thought we (God and I )were going to sit by the shore, share, have coffee and enjoy all of creation.. I am trying to share what happened but in some way I am not sure myself.

Spend a day with psalm 138 giving thanks to God for
God's faithfulness  and love. Praying to keep close to God all who have asked for prayers and I promised to pray for.

Spent a restless night, was it the bed, or the Spirit?

I had been accustom to hearing God's voice speaking to me but I heard nothing, nada. I came to realize God was within me and had moved in. Now friends come to visit and then go, you can call them if you wish and arrange to have coffee and share but moving in is another story. You know what it means to share your space with another. What did I have to clean up, move or get rid of? Nothing, God accepts me as I am, the real meaning of Poverty. Interesting indeed.

At one time I had read St. Theresa said God has many mansions. I wanted to be in the top floor but now I was thinking maybe the porch isn't so bad.

 Ps 71 God has been with me throughout all my years. Even till I am old and gray-headed. I thought be nice.Yes, you are with me and now more intimately than ever.  I thank you.

Biggest issue is accepting who I am just as I am. God does. Now what?  Luke 4:43 Proclaim the good news of the God. Go serve with a humble heart.

Looking over the years God has been with me, why not now. Vulnerability in me leads to over planning which leads to getting stuck in the muck. Let go and trust.
Ps 103 God knows what I can handle.
Ps 90 Let me wake in the morning filled with your love to share with all I meet.
Proverbs: 20:24 God guides my steps. Thank God for that.

Carl Rahner said it as well. "When I break out of the narrow circle of self, and leave behind the restless agony of unanswered questions..I can bury myself entirely in God with myself and all my questions."

Finally a good night sleep. Accepting God is in me as well as in creation and he said it is good.

What am I called to each day, I don't know but God does and that is all that matters. Everything I thought I needed I didn't and what I didn't think I needed I got,
Ps 25 your paths are secure and true. You will show me the path I should follow.

Now at home I read some of Merten's contemplation and silence. He too searched and struggled to learn to let God live in him as He wished. Spiritual reading helps to know others have struggled on the journey of integration as well.