Sunday, September 18, 2011


Rejoice with those celebrating the anniversary of their profession to religious life.
Today went to Oshkosh to celebrate the Jubilee anniversary of our Sisters in the Midwest& Caribbean areas. In religious life this is like a wedding anniversary.

I was very touched by the (3) Sisters that celebrated 75 years of service in Religious life. (6) Celebrated 60 years of service, (1) celebrated 50 years of service and (5) celebrated 25 years of service as vowed Religious women in the community of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother.

 I was witnessing faithfulness one day at a time. When I  first publicly pronounced my vows I never thought  I am vowing this for 53 years.
All relationships are one day at a time of faithfulness. That in itself in this time and age is counter cultural.

Treasure your friends today and be faithful to them, thank them for their support and  support them and help them on their life's journey.

None of us would choose to do the ups and downs of daily life alone. It doesn't matter what life style you are called to be grateful for your support system, celebrate milestones. 

Have your own anniversaries. Take someone in your support system for coffee this week and tell them thank you.
 Have your own Jubilee celebration knowing you don't need to wait 75,60,50,or 25 years.

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