Friday, September 23, 2011

Recreation necessary for contemplation

Today we went to Warrens to the cranberry mash festival
I tell you alot of vendors and more stuff one didn't need. Saw hundreds, hundreds of people in main street of town.

Two people said hi Sister Sharee, oh my so much for anonymity!Then Sister Lois saw someone she knew from home. Friends from high school.

We enjoyed the day and the changing of the leaves.The leaves were brighter today than a couple of days ago. Staycation is winding down and the best idea we had for a vacation for a long time.

Sometimes we drive so far and then back that we need a vacation to recuperated from vacation.

What have you done for fun this week? there are still another day left if you need it to take a break. Recreation is necessary to put ones self in the spirit for contemplation. It all part of the mind, body spirit.

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