Thursday, September 22, 2011

planting seeds

Today did get to another thing on my bucket list. What is one thing yours? You know those things you always want to do but never get to. That is what staycations help with.
I planted two kinds of tulips and bag of crocus in the front flower bed. I will be eagerly waiting to see in the spring if they come up in all their splendor. Now planting is work but with the hope of a good crop at at time later.

I was thinking what other seeds am I planting these days, and will they bear fruit?

I am hoping the thoughts and reflections of this blog will help others see God in their ordinary daily life.

I hope by attending a funeral I can plant the seed of the Resurrection  to a grieving mother who can't hear of eternal life  that at this time of mourning. I wonder did Mary know of the Resurrection?  She too supported frightened apostles in their grief while she herself was grieving.

I invite you to look at what seeds you are planting today.
feel free to share them if you feel so inclined.Id love to hear from you.

If you cant think of anything, tulip bulbs are great to plant.

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