Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spiritual Reading/ reading spiritually

In religious life there are supports/practices that help us on the journey of growing deeper in our spiritual life. One of these practices is Spiritual reading. We are encouraged to engage in spiritual reading at least 15min daily. This involves choosing a book, scripture which will help us where we currently are in our journey to grow deeper into what God has called us to Become. We then read slowly and reflect on what we have just read. Sometimes it is only a sentence or two.

When I was 19 and beginning in nursing school I was drawn to read. Seeds 0f Contemplation  by Thomas Merton. It had a great effect on my being called by God to become a religious Sister. Types of books for spiritual reading could be One minute wisdom buy Anthony de Mello, Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore. Life of Mother Theresa of Calcutta and many others.
If you would like a suggestion let me know and maybe we can find something for you.
We also can become involved in reading spiritually. This involves not choosing a specific spiritual book but looking at events, books we read, TV in a spiritual light.

In our rushing busy world it is a treat to be able to sit down and read something of interest. When I do this I thank God for the opportunity to relax, no TV, phone and to just leisurely read.
We also can reflect on what we are reading in a spiritual manner.
Right now I am reading a romantic novel All she can be by Fern Michael's. It is romantic novel about a women whose success ended up affecting her marriage, a divorce and how her low self esteem got her into alot of guilt actions with her children. She thought she was present to her husband and children but she was doing for them not sharing or communicating. This can be an area of reflection for us. Do we eat dinner together ever? If so what do we talk about? Do those in relationship with you know your joys, goals, desires and struggles? Do we do things that compromise ourselves just out of guilt or because we haven't learned to set boundaries and say no? These are just some reflection thoughts I have regarding what I am reading.

We are bombarded with the News. Most of the time not uplifting. Here is an opportunity to pray for those we read about or see on TV.
Today's paper feature is about Obama plans falling short. I feel more energized praying for those unemployed, for those who could offer jobs and are afraid to.
Family mourns teen who died because he crawled up a rock hill he should not have in a park. We have a choice we can say okay he should not have done that and look what happened or we can pray for the family who is mourning a life cut short at 15.

I pray we have eyes to see and ears to hear the whisper of God in our world.

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