Sunday, September 11, 2011


The is alot to reflect on and pray about today
For one the anniversary of 911 and all that has happened.

The scripture reading today from Sirach says holding on to wrath and anger is not good and we should forgive.

The Gospel reading from  Matthew 18:21-35 about the servant who was forgiven but then turned around and wouldn't forgive one of his peers. Jesus answering Peter telling him there is no limit to how many times we should forgive.

Psalm 103 says the Lord is kind and  merciful, slow to anger and rich in compassion.

Jesus tells Peter the need to forgive from heart.

All this had me thinking about the prayer Jesus taught us. Forgive us this day our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.

How daily I can violate the space of others which is trespassing.
How we don't let others know we need space and become angry when we feel they have trespassed against us.

I pray I may become more aware of trespassing and be willing to say I am are sorry, making my  part of the world a more peaceful kind place. May I gently let others know when I need more space or time to avoid them trespassing against me.

May I be more mindful as I pray the Our Father what I am really being called to by Jesus

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