Friday, September 16, 2011

Volunteers--How about me

    Today Ministry Health are had a leadership workshop for all the board members of the various Ministry boards. These are people who live in the local health care facility community and are giving their time and talent to make health care better in their community better for everyone. The challenges before them today are how can we continue make health care affordable, available and maintain quality of care. These volunteers are the busiest people I know. They are just like everyone else with more to do than time to do it, yet they find a way to help to make their community better for everyone. They come from all walks of life with experiences that can only make the care we deliver better. They see things in a different light than those of us who are working within the health care system. We need their Wisdom.
    When I see someone voluteering do I say thank you for making this part of the world a better place?
    The thought that came to my mind is where am I volunteering so I too can make the world a better place? There is no time like the present.  Everyone who volunteers will tell you, I get more out of this than I give.

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