Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Today we celebrate Rosh Hashanah-Happy New Year

Today is the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah.
Now you may wonder why is this important to me. Jesus was a Jew he was not a Christian.
Unless we spend some time learning of the Jewish heritage we will not understand the tradition which Jesus learned, lived and challenged. It was because of his challenging what he felt God was calling him to change the Christian tradition came to be.
Today let us celebrate with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Wishing them a Happy New Year. If you want to learn of the traditions you can find them on the Internet.

The following is a Jewish prayer
"As we dip our apples in honey, we pray for an additional measure of sweetness. May we continue to grow in our commitment to our faith, our people and community. May all Jews experience blessings in the year ahead, and may the world become a better place for all your children." Rabbis Bennett Miller & Eric Lankin

Rosh Hashanah traditions include many practices symbolic of leadership and blessings for a year in which we lead with success in our respective concerns. May Israel lead this year with strength and courage. May all of us, wherever we are, be blessed with wise and courageous leadership, and may the new year bring peace, prosperity and life to all humankind.

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