Sunday, February 26, 2012

Vision quest

Todays scripture readings relate Jesus going into the Desert for 40 days and 40 nights to fast and pray. It was a time for him to prepare for his mission and ministry.

In preparation for his mission, Jesus follows a mysterious yet compelling calling to radical wilderness solitude. He fasts. He lives in
the wild. He wrestles with spirits. But God is with him.

We today have sometimes lost the idea of going away for a period of time to prepare for our mission and ministry.

Has a mother been able to take some time away to prepare for what it means to raise a child to know and experience  that God loves them as well as their parents. To train the child in the way they are to become.

Does a friend take time away to reflect on what it means to be a friend to another on their pilgrim journey, to be supportive, honest and caring?

I made a 40 day retreat just before I began my current ministry as patient advocate. It was a hard thing for 40 days to reflect, be quiet and listen for God's whispering to me. Hard especially since I was accustom to doing so many things and just Being had become foreign to me. God too was with me in this desert experience and has greatly affected how I can be an advocate for others with a curious mind instead of it shouldnt be mind. 

We all cant make a 40 day retreat but we can spend sometime each day during this lenten time to reflecting on how is God calling me? How then will this become expressed in how I relate to others in my ministry.

The time of lent is traditionally a time of preparation for those who wish to enter into the Faith. It is celebrated at the Resurection of Jesus. 

Hopefully our lent will also be a time of reflection for us on how we live out our faith in our daily lives. Then our Easter will be more than easter eggs, candy and new set of spring clothes.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ending of a life pilgrimage

Today I went to our Sisters retirement center in Oshkosh to the funeral of one of my Sisters. Sister Regina Bruen born in Ireland and a true Irish woman.  

I missed the homecoming last night. During the dinner at my table there was some sharing of some stories of their experience of her.   The stories were how she laughed, cared about people and was truly present to people. 

In writing of her it was shared how the greatest thing in her life was her love of community. Her greatest Joy being in community.

I knew her as a fun loving deeply spiritual person. Always open to listen and not judgemental at all. She did alot of walking and talked to people she met. She also had various prayer support groups at her home.

I heard no one talk about her many executive positions, her degrees or her many boards and associations she belong to. Most spoke of her as a friend. 

At dinner when we sang Irish Eyes are smiling some said she is singing in heaven as well. She was a fun loving person with a Irish twinkle in her eye.

A couple of days ago as we received ashes on Asah Wed we heard said " You are dust and to dust you will return"

Sister Regina's earthly body is gone but her Spirit lives on as she now has reached home and her pilgrimage is completed.

I was thinking what will be said of me if my journey ended today? I hope it will also be how I treated people and not at all about degrees or jobs.

We all are just pilgrims on the journey. I pray we can reach out and support each other on the path.

Thank you Regina for the privilege of walking with you in community as I could on the journey.

Friday, February 24, 2012

No tresspassing

On Ash Wednesday we had a very nice ecumenical prayer service at Ministry Saint Clare's standing room filled and overflowing out into the halls.

At the end of the service we all prayed the Our Father. It struck me I do know when other tresspass against me. I am not always sure I forgive them. I know when another consumes my space, time and person. I know when someone reveals something I asked them not to tell anyone. Oh yes I know.

Now the question I was confronted with from the Spirits within am I as aware of when I tresspass against others. The prayer says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others who tresspass against us. It didn't say forgive those who tresspass against me and forget what I trespassing I do. I have said this prayer for years. How about you.

Now I didn't ask God to bring that to my awareness during this time of spiritual renewal up but God did.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Choose life

The readings for today have the theme of chose life.
Of course who wouldn't want to do that so why the focus on that?

Couple of weeks ago I shared that there are really two rules for us. Love God and love neighbor. Now as we go through our day sometimes that isn't all that easy to do.

Choosing life can mean forgiveness instead of refusing to forgive someone who did really do wrong to you. Choosing life means what is good for the common good and not just what is good for me. Choosing life means correcting an employee who is not doing what they should be doing so the people they serve and their co-workers may have fuller life. Choose life may mean not buying something I don't need so I can buy something for a food pantry for those who haven't a meal. Today's news talked about a mother in Mosinee who didn't eat for 3 days so her children could eat. She shared that with a food pantry manager. These circumstances are around us not just in a 3rd world country.

A month ago I had a chance to talk to a principal of a school where most families are making it. She has breakfast every morning in her office for the few children who come to school with nothing to eat. She herself buys the cereal and milk for her children in need. Her school does not qualify for the school breakfast program.

Open our eyes and hearts this let God so we may choose life.

What will help me are the things we talked about on Tuesday a practice of alms giving, prayer and fasting.

I pray that I and you will ask God for the grace to choose life in our daily circumstances.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Spiritual health check up

In two days we will begin Ash Wednesday. The scripture suggests we focus on almsgiving, prayer and fasting.

The hardest one for me is almsgiving. I do find it easy to give a few dollars to this or that cause but to give of my time that is hard.
Matthew cautions us not to show our giving to others in public but he didn't say do not do good. I am talking about taking a little time in secret to help someone, maybe a co-worker, a patient who needs a visit, a neighbor who could use a little help with something. You have a few days to think about it I am confident you will come up with some action of almsgiving you can do. I am not saying don't give to the food pantry but you and I know that is very simple act for most of us.

Prayer in secret let God know your joys, praise for all the good you see and experience as well as for others in need and your needs. I have decided to do a Bible study on Matthew during lent, always can learn more.

Fasting, I could say I don't have to do that as I am 76 and it doesn't apply to me. I know I can do the fasting of not gossiping, saying something negative about someone or listening to a conversation where someone else is doing these behaviors and I don't do anything. listening without comment is agreement.

All these actions are meant to humble us and let us see the areas where we need God's healing hand. Lent is a time of positive strengthening our spiritual health not giving up things.

So now you know you have tomorrow to decide what you need to ask God to help you with to improve your spiritual health.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"See I am doing something new "says God

Both scripture readings for today are filled with hope, love and healing.

Isaiah reminds us that God does not remember the events of the past. He formed us his people to tell all of God's praise. Thank God for Gods love and forgiveness.

Paul reminds us that we have God's seal upon us. God is the one who anointed us to be bearers of good news.
To proclaim God's goodness to me.

Mark tells the story of Jesus healing the paralytic. The scribes became upset saying who does he think he is, only God can forgive sins. Jesus revealed himself publicly "so that you may know the Son of Man has the authority to  forgive sins on earth." Son of Man is Son of God.

How does all of this have any relevance to me and you in this day? In our prayer and our worship with others we believe Jesus is with us, uniting us with himself.

Let us not forget Jesus is there for us if we only ask. Let us also depend upon our friends of like mind to be of support for us as the friends of the paralytic made sure their friend got to Jesus for healing.

Do your friends of like mind know your struggles, concerns and joys so they too can be there for you to support and celebrate Jesus doing something new for you? Remember it was the finds of the man who made sure he reached Jesus for healing.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

In loving Memory

I had so many thoughts and prayers for Whitney as I watched the comments, songs and  celebration of her passing to her heavenly home. I joined in with special prayers for Whitney, her mother and daughter as they mourn loosing her.

I wondered where those who payed tribute to her, there for her in her lifetime. Many shared they knew of  her doubts, insecurities, her thinking she wasn't good enough, pretty enough, yet she reached out to many. As her manager and sister-in-law said she did it anyway.

I was grateful I am not famous as I too have had my ups and downs but they were not made so public.

As humans we all make mistakes, make poor choices. The difference for me as I did seek out God's healing and support.  For me I have had spiritual support persons, friends and those who reached out and helped lift me up at in times that were troubling. 

For Whitney it is now over and God has her in God's loving care.

For the next person we see or experience struggling it is not too late. Reach out you may be bringing hope or support in their life. For when God cant come God sends. Are you willing to be sent?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Daily events

Today's reading Jesus says"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me."

Sometimes we think of these crosses to be big events such as a serious sickness, job loss, loosing friends. True these are big things.

Most of the crosses are daily events where we can ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Would he stay later at work to help co-worker, did he smile when he didnt feel like it, did he repeat over and over again the things he was trying to teach his followers, did he give food to those in need, visit the sick, free burdens from others?

There are many more examples of how Jesus accepted the cross of the every day instead of going off alone to pray or get a break.

It is the every day crosses that I find the most challenging. It seems the big ones I ask for God's help and God is there, it is the little chances that I sometimes forget to ask for the grace to see them and to be able to respond as Jesus would have me do.

After all what does it profit me to gain and focus totally on myself and in the process risk  loosing the life God has given me?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Your principles & beliefs would you stand for them

1977 Janani Luwum Anglican primate of Uganda was murdered for his stand against the ruler General Idi Amin. Amin was circulating rumors that the African bishops were plotting violence against him. Janani stood up and said it was not true and asked for proof.

As a result he was arrested. Amin had a pile of weapons produced and said there were from the Archbishop which Janani denied. When faced Janani started to pray which greatly made Amin angry. The next morning it was announced he was killed trying to escape. After weeks they found his body bullet-riddled.
Later it was found out that Amin himself shot him.

Archbisop Janani wrote "Even if I have to die for my convictions, I can never lower the standards God has set me"

In our world we are not faced with dying for our beliefs. The question is what am I willing to stand for?

Am I okay saying I am a Christian, okay not approving of anything that is not what Christ would approve? Am I willing to care for those rejected, reach out to those considered strange or a problem. Would I stop and defend someone if what was going on was wrong or am I not wanting to get involved. I have watched the program "What would you do?" and majority of people do not want to get involved in whatever is going on that is not right or just.

This coming week is the begining of Lent. It may be just the right time for me to consider what are my beliefs and am I willing to stand for them?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Great day

Thank you God for all the little joys of yesterday. I had my birthday. Thank you to my mom and dad assisting God in God's plan.

Several surprises the two security officers sang for me. Nice male voices. 3 men volunteers also sang for me at hospital entrance. Many people said greetings and prayers.

 Email friends didn't forget me. I received many notes, greetings and cards from the US Sisters ,Germany, Austria, West Indies, Dominican Republic and Rome. One of the many joys of belonging to an international community.

Some I thought would remember didn't. It is amazing what expectations we put on others. Can these expectations over ride the joy of the many who remembered and I didn't even think they knew it was my birthday. Are we not interesting creatures.

I thought of all those who never have one person say happy birthday.

Thank you God for the life you have given me. Bless the many who reached out to pray for me and send greetings. May I too reach out to others.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will I touch reach out?

In today's Scripture we witness Jesus touching the leper and healing him. Touching a leper is a no no. Besides this wasn't necessary. He told some others to go home and because of their faith the healing happened. He was teaching us a lesson about reaching out to those in need those who were outcasts of society. I am sure we know we would not willingly touch a leper.

Who are the lepers in your life? How do we treat those we don't want anything to do with? Those who talk about things I find hard to deal with, those who live different than I would.

When I first found out I had cancer and would talk about it. Some of the people I know would say " I am sorry about you sickness. I am praying for you and your sickness"Few would use the word cancer.It was like saying the word cancer they might catch it. One asked me "why do you talk about having cancer?" I said because I have it and if I don't talk about it I cant accept it. I felt like a leper one who could not talk about their disease. Just deal with it and don't bring it out in the open.

Praise God I am now cancer free, it was a learning for me of how some things are so difficult for others when they don't want people to talk about it. It is like a two year old with hands over their eyes. If I don't see you, you are not there.

I don't know about you but there are some people I would rather not be too close to. Some who it is hard to reach out to. Some I pray I wont have to deal with. Are these like the lepers in my life? Yes, in some cases I wish they would just go away and not keep showing up.

I am convinced that is why God invited me to the present ministry of advocacy so I have a chance to advocate for all not just the ones easy to advocate for.

Maybe I will go back to primary school days and buy some valentines and give them to all I meet and mean it!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why follow Jesus

This past week the scripture readings have been about healing of Jesus. Today about feeding thousands with loaf of bread and a fish. The crowd followed him everywhere asking for healing of those in need.

Today if they just listened to his message and he didn't heal them or feed them would they have followed him? I wondered why were they following him? Was it for the benefits and hoping they would last? Did they see him as bringing a kingdom of goodies or showing them the Love of God?

Then it got personal why do I follow Jesus? Is it because he answers my prayers, helps me in need? What do I do in times of ordinary when there are no problems, just silence. Can I still carry out the message of service to the poor, be kind to strangers, promoter of peace, visit the sick, help those in whatever kind of prison they are in?

Am I fully focused and committed to Jesus no matter what? Good question for my pondering today.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Profit vs our children

Very disturbed tonight need to pray for conversion of the drug companies that make generic drugs. We have alot of shortages and the one I heard  today was the lack of drugs for children with leukemia.

 Reason now generic and drug companies dont make as much money. Production has been cut down. We one of the richest countries in the world cant care for our citizens who need medications.

Last week one of our employees talked to me about the lack of ability to get the medications she needs for her daughter and when she doesnt have the medications she has bad time and cant consentrate in school.

Right now let us pray for a solution and look to what else we can do to resolve this problem

Listen speak-Lectio divina

Today Jesus heals the deaf mute. In one of his homilys Pope Bendict says if we listen to the word of God we will most certainly speak.

I ask how do I listen to the word of God? I have found the practice of Lectio divina to be helpful.

Here is how it works.
READ  a section of Scripture, read the text slowly, gently. Listen for a word or phrase that draws you attention. God usually does not reach out and grab us but speaks to us gently
PONDER Take the word or phrase into yourself repeat it slowly let it sink into you. Allow it to invite you into dialogue with God.
PRAY Use the word, images or all that came to you and interact with God as you would with someone who knows and loves you. You do not need to recite or think of some other prayers as someone else did write them.

the Goal is for me to listen, quiet the thoughts and needs of myself and others. Then to pray from whatever comes from that interaction with God.

In the course of my day I always find some chance to share what God has spoken to me this day.

Try it you will like it. Now I warn you it will change how you interact with God, listening is a powerful way to deepen a relationship, if with our friends and special people in our life, why not with God.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What you do and say that counts

Today Jesus is again confronted with his disciples eating grain along the road. So many rules in Jesus time and he came to show compassion to those in need.

Jesus says it isn't what you eat or the rules you adhere to it is what you say and how you treat people. Appropriate question for our day.

I ask myself do we get upset because a pet visited the patient who is longing for there beloved companion or do we understand some of our best loved friends are four footed.

 Last year a patient told me he would feel much better if he could have an old fashioned. I asked the doctor can he have this cocktail he said sure. So one of the managers in dietary went out and got one for me to give to him. I will never forget her compassion. She could have said no we don't have that which would have been true.

Look for opportunities in your day to be kind compassionate and caring instead of guiding your reaction by rules that are not relevant to the situation.

If you don't know which to choose ask yourself what you Jesus do in this situation.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Divine Healing--Reach out

In today's readings we experience Jesus divine healing and compassion for those in need. Jesus was very respectful of those he healed and taught us about mercy and help to all. Jesus was about his ministry and stopped at Peters home only to see Peter's mother-in-law sick. He didn't linger but took her by the hand and helped her.

We have the same opportunities during our daily activities to forget what our task, agenda or what our mission was and take a few moments to reach out to those in need that are in our life.

When I was in ministry in the West Indies they had a saying in Grenada " When God cant come He sends."

Are you aware of how you are being sent by God to reach out in God's name to those you meet each day in your encounters.

Some of us are not only sent but Called. Today throughout the world we pray for those who have answered the call as priest, religious and brothers. Please remember us also in your prayers today that we too will continue to serve in God's name.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

In the reading for today we see Jesus going away to a quiet place of solitude and prayer. I you note Jesus went aside in prayer before major decisions or events in his life. When he returned it was in service to others.
Often I have wondered what is God asking of me or calling me to? We do ask that questions of others, what do you want from me or of me? We feel free to ask that of those we have a relationship with knowing they will give us some clarity.
What is my relationship with God? If I go apart can I be quiet sitting with God? The most treasured times in relationships are when we can be quiet together. Try it you will be surprised.