Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ending of a life pilgrimage

Today I went to our Sisters retirement center in Oshkosh to the funeral of one of my Sisters. Sister Regina Bruen born in Ireland and a true Irish woman.  

I missed the homecoming last night. During the dinner at my table there was some sharing of some stories of their experience of her.   The stories were how she laughed, cared about people and was truly present to people. 

In writing of her it was shared how the greatest thing in her life was her love of community. Her greatest Joy being in community.

I knew her as a fun loving deeply spiritual person. Always open to listen and not judgemental at all. She did alot of walking and talked to people she met. She also had various prayer support groups at her home.

I heard no one talk about her many executive positions, her degrees or her many boards and associations she belong to. Most spoke of her as a friend. 

At dinner when we sang Irish Eyes are smiling some said she is singing in heaven as well. She was a fun loving person with a Irish twinkle in her eye.

A couple of days ago as we received ashes on Asah Wed we heard said " You are dust and to dust you will return"

Sister Regina's earthly body is gone but her Spirit lives on as she now has reached home and her pilgrimage is completed.

I was thinking what will be said of me if my journey ended today? I hope it will also be how I treated people and not at all about degrees or jobs.

We all are just pilgrims on the journey. I pray we can reach out and support each other on the path.

Thank you Regina for the privilege of walking with you in community as I could on the journey.

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