Sunday, February 5, 2012

Divine Healing--Reach out

In today's readings we experience Jesus divine healing and compassion for those in need. Jesus was very respectful of those he healed and taught us about mercy and help to all. Jesus was about his ministry and stopped at Peters home only to see Peter's mother-in-law sick. He didn't linger but took her by the hand and helped her.

We have the same opportunities during our daily activities to forget what our task, agenda or what our mission was and take a few moments to reach out to those in need that are in our life.

When I was in ministry in the West Indies they had a saying in Grenada " When God cant come He sends."

Are you aware of how you are being sent by God to reach out in God's name to those you meet each day in your encounters.

Some of us are not only sent but Called. Today throughout the world we pray for those who have answered the call as priest, religious and brothers. Please remember us also in your prayers today that we too will continue to serve in God's name.

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