Friday, February 24, 2012

No tresspassing

On Ash Wednesday we had a very nice ecumenical prayer service at Ministry Saint Clare's standing room filled and overflowing out into the halls.

At the end of the service we all prayed the Our Father. It struck me I do know when other tresspass against me. I am not always sure I forgive them. I know when another consumes my space, time and person. I know when someone reveals something I asked them not to tell anyone. Oh yes I know.

Now the question I was confronted with from the Spirits within am I as aware of when I tresspass against others. The prayer says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others who tresspass against us. It didn't say forgive those who tresspass against me and forget what I trespassing I do. I have said this prayer for years. How about you.

Now I didn't ask God to bring that to my awareness during this time of spiritual renewal up but God did.

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