Saturday, February 18, 2012

In loving Memory

I had so many thoughts and prayers for Whitney as I watched the comments, songs and  celebration of her passing to her heavenly home. I joined in with special prayers for Whitney, her mother and daughter as they mourn loosing her.

I wondered where those who payed tribute to her, there for her in her lifetime. Many shared they knew of  her doubts, insecurities, her thinking she wasn't good enough, pretty enough, yet she reached out to many. As her manager and sister-in-law said she did it anyway.

I was grateful I am not famous as I too have had my ups and downs but they were not made so public.

As humans we all make mistakes, make poor choices. The difference for me as I did seek out God's healing and support.  For me I have had spiritual support persons, friends and those who reached out and helped lift me up at in times that were troubling. 

For Whitney it is now over and God has her in God's loving care.

For the next person we see or experience struggling it is not too late. Reach out you may be bringing hope or support in their life. For when God cant come God sends. Are you willing to be sent?

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