Sunday, February 19, 2012

"See I am doing something new "says God

Both scripture readings for today are filled with hope, love and healing.

Isaiah reminds us that God does not remember the events of the past. He formed us his people to tell all of God's praise. Thank God for Gods love and forgiveness.

Paul reminds us that we have God's seal upon us. God is the one who anointed us to be bearers of good news.
To proclaim God's goodness to me.

Mark tells the story of Jesus healing the paralytic. The scribes became upset saying who does he think he is, only God can forgive sins. Jesus revealed himself publicly "so that you may know the Son of Man has the authority to  forgive sins on earth." Son of Man is Son of God.

How does all of this have any relevance to me and you in this day? In our prayer and our worship with others we believe Jesus is with us, uniting us with himself.

Let us not forget Jesus is there for us if we only ask. Let us also depend upon our friends of like mind to be of support for us as the friends of the paralytic made sure their friend got to Jesus for healing.

Do your friends of like mind know your struggles, concerns and joys so they too can be there for you to support and celebrate Jesus doing something new for you? Remember it was the finds of the man who made sure he reached Jesus for healing.

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