Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why follow Jesus

This past week the scripture readings have been about healing of Jesus. Today about feeding thousands with loaf of bread and a fish. The crowd followed him everywhere asking for healing of those in need.

Today if they just listened to his message and he didn't heal them or feed them would they have followed him? I wondered why were they following him? Was it for the benefits and hoping they would last? Did they see him as bringing a kingdom of goodies or showing them the Love of God?

Then it got personal why do I follow Jesus? Is it because he answers my prayers, helps me in need? What do I do in times of ordinary when there are no problems, just silence. Can I still carry out the message of service to the poor, be kind to strangers, promoter of peace, visit the sick, help those in whatever kind of prison they are in?

Am I fully focused and committed to Jesus no matter what? Good question for my pondering today.

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