Today we hear the story of the holy family. Of course mine was holy as well.
My mom and dad did the best they could during the depression and WWII to keep me safe and give me the basics. Yes, we had warts too. Sometimes we focus on the warts too much and don't see the goodness, the kindness the good intent of their actions.
I pray today as we listen to the story of the holy family we think of the wholesome things that are good about our families and thank God for them.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Sign from God
Today we hear of sign from God in his dream which directed Joseph in the way he should go regarding his pregnant Mary.
How often we ask God for signs to show us the way to go or a decision to be made or just to know God is there?
Asking for signs is very Franciscan way. Francis was often noted to be asking God for a sign either coming from his friends, Clare or the Bible.
What signs do you need from God this week? If you receive them will you be like Joseph and do what was revealed to you either in your dream as was the case with Joseph or by your friends?
How often we ask God for signs to show us the way to go or a decision to be made or just to know God is there?
Asking for signs is very Franciscan way. Francis was often noted to be asking God for a sign either coming from his friends, Clare or the Bible.
What signs do you need from God this week? If you receive them will you be like Joseph and do what was revealed to you either in your dream as was the case with Joseph or by your friends?
Friday, November 29, 2013
Sunday is the 1st Sunday of Advent in the Christian tradition. The word Advent comes from the Latin and means waiting.
Waiting is not something we are particularly good at. The people of old waited for centuries for the savior to come.
I am sure you as I have waited for God's answer to a prayer, a hope a dream. Years later we realized God came in God's time and in our readiness to receive God's answer for us.
During this time of Advent in preparation for Christ coming in to our life more fully as the answer to our prayer, hope and dreams, may we learn to slow down, to wait and to listen for Gods direction to each of us individually.
Waiting is not something we are particularly good at. The people of old waited for centuries for the savior to come.
I am sure you as I have waited for God's answer to a prayer, a hope a dream. Years later we realized God came in God's time and in our readiness to receive God's answer for us.
During this time of Advent in preparation for Christ coming in to our life more fully as the answer to our prayer, hope and dreams, may we learn to slow down, to wait and to listen for Gods direction to each of us individually.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Life after death
It has been a very emotional week for me. some days very draining others rejoicing.
I was saddened by the unexpected death of a Sister friend. She was out to lunch with friends and started not to feel good. she asked them to take her home, instead she said to the hospital. To the Ed she went and after 30 min or more was unresponsive with a massive bleed in her brain. As I mourn her passing I ask myself did she really do what she always wanted to do?
An Thursday's I help pack back packs for Blessing in Back Pack program which provides food for children for the weekend who are eligible for meal program during the week. this past week we packed 175 for 3 schools. Now I grew up during the WWII when we had food stamps and limited ability to get sugar etc but we were never hungry. What has happened in our world that we need now feed the children. I asked how old are the youngest that will receive these food back packs, kindergarten.
I had a husband of a friend of mine get the news he has stage 4 lymphoma and is now on aggressive chemotherapy. She is trying to grasp it all. He continues to want to work, rather then stay home and feel sorry for himself. What a blow. How did this happen, what was not noticed is the question.
Oh yes another friend had a little baby boy, somewhat early but healthy. He is so cute. they both went home this past week.
So it is with rhythm of life. Keep them all in your prayers.
Today in the scripture we hear of the Resurrection where all will be made whole again. Thank you Jesus for making this possible.
In the meantime may we live in relationship with Jesus in the other.
I was saddened by the unexpected death of a Sister friend. She was out to lunch with friends and started not to feel good. she asked them to take her home, instead she said to the hospital. To the Ed she went and after 30 min or more was unresponsive with a massive bleed in her brain. As I mourn her passing I ask myself did she really do what she always wanted to do?
An Thursday's I help pack back packs for Blessing in Back Pack program which provides food for children for the weekend who are eligible for meal program during the week. this past week we packed 175 for 3 schools. Now I grew up during the WWII when we had food stamps and limited ability to get sugar etc but we were never hungry. What has happened in our world that we need now feed the children. I asked how old are the youngest that will receive these food back packs, kindergarten.
I had a husband of a friend of mine get the news he has stage 4 lymphoma and is now on aggressive chemotherapy. She is trying to grasp it all. He continues to want to work, rather then stay home and feel sorry for himself. What a blow. How did this happen, what was not noticed is the question.
Oh yes another friend had a little baby boy, somewhat early but healthy. He is so cute. they both went home this past week.
So it is with rhythm of life. Keep them all in your prayers.
Today in the scripture we hear of the Resurrection where all will be made whole again. Thank you Jesus for making this possible.
In the meantime may we live in relationship with Jesus in the other.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Today's scripture stories are all about being grateful and giving thanks for what God has done for us.
Naaman experienced healing in a strange way, just bathe in the river and you will be healed of your leprosy. Often God asks us to do things that seem strange to us to achieve wholeness. Thankfully we do not have the disease of leprosy but often we do hold on to ideas and resentments that make us sick. May we let go of the things that keep us from God's simple directions to us to achieve fuller healing in our lives.
Being thankful for the simple things of life are a choice. Another story of today is the one of the 10 lepers only one came back to say thank you and he was one that was not accepted by those in his day.
How so very hard it is for us to say thank you when we have to go back out of our way to do so.
This week I pray we are aware of the little things God does for us and to say thank you.
Naaman experienced healing in a strange way, just bathe in the river and you will be healed of your leprosy. Often God asks us to do things that seem strange to us to achieve wholeness. Thankfully we do not have the disease of leprosy but often we do hold on to ideas and resentments that make us sick. May we let go of the things that keep us from God's simple directions to us to achieve fuller healing in our lives.
Being thankful for the simple things of life are a choice. Another story of today is the one of the 10 lepers only one came back to say thank you and he was one that was not accepted by those in his day.
How so very hard it is for us to say thank you when we have to go back out of our way to do so.
This week I pray we are aware of the little things God does for us and to say thank you.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Today as I changed the calendar the thought came to me Oh my it is beginning the fall season.
This time of the year brings many changes to mind.
As the day went on I found myself thinking what season am I in?
I remembered the reading in Ecclesiastes 3 "There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heavens." " A time for searching, a time for throwing away, a time for keeping"and other times are mentioned.
I believe I am in the season of Fall in my life. I am not sure what that all means but it certainly is a time for searching, throwing away and deciding what I need to keep of my life's journey. It is a time for many things.
Then I thought maybe I am in the season of Winter and don't know it. What difference would that make in how I live each day. Answer if none. No matter what season I am in I depend upon God for daily guidance, support, friendship and love.
In prayer today and reading the scripture for the day, Tobit says Give in proportion to what you own. I don't believe I won anything but all is gift from God. Am I willing to give it in proportion to what I have received. " A time for giving"
In first reading today, Sirach says "conduct your affairs with humility and you will be loved greater than the giver of gifts" I often find myself asking what does it mean to be humble? Paul answered me in his reflection today by stating "God is the judge of all" Servant leadership keeps me grounded so I can be humble in my relationships with others.
Jesus today challenges me to look a who are my friends, do I have a personal relationship with anyone who is disadvantaged, broken, those who don't see thing as I might see them?
A lot for me to think about and continue to reflect on by just turning the calendar to a new month.
Have you thought about what season are you in?
This time of the year brings many changes to mind.
As the day went on I found myself thinking what season am I in?
I remembered the reading in Ecclesiastes 3 "There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heavens." " A time for searching, a time for throwing away, a time for keeping"and other times are mentioned.
I believe I am in the season of Fall in my life. I am not sure what that all means but it certainly is a time for searching, throwing away and deciding what I need to keep of my life's journey. It is a time for many things.
Then I thought maybe I am in the season of Winter and don't know it. What difference would that make in how I live each day. Answer if none. No matter what season I am in I depend upon God for daily guidance, support, friendship and love.
In prayer today and reading the scripture for the day, Tobit says Give in proportion to what you own. I don't believe I won anything but all is gift from God. Am I willing to give it in proportion to what I have received. " A time for giving"
In first reading today, Sirach says "conduct your affairs with humility and you will be loved greater than the giver of gifts" I often find myself asking what does it mean to be humble? Paul answered me in his reflection today by stating "God is the judge of all" Servant leadership keeps me grounded so I can be humble in my relationships with others.
Jesus today challenges me to look a who are my friends, do I have a personal relationship with anyone who is disadvantaged, broken, those who don't see thing as I might see them?
A lot for me to think about and continue to reflect on by just turning the calendar to a new month.
Have you thought about what season are you in?
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Re-creation (vacation)
Beautiful in the early morning, fog lifting off the water, coffee and just relaxation.
This past weeks vacation was just what body and soul needed. No TV, No radio, No other electronics working just peace and inner quiet. Time to get in touch with inner self, hello I know you!!
Don't get me wrong we did enjoy the scenery. Went to wolf center, why keep them in captivity just so we might see one of the 5 they have. They had the right idea. We saw two sleeping, one looked at all the people looking at him and headed for the wild out of sight for his nap. We on road that said road ends here in 500 feet. Up in the boundary waters. Went on echo train drive through the forest. Surprising to me we didn't see much wild life. I guess with all the magnitude of forest why come by the road.
Came home and went to Oshkosh today for Jubilee of Sisters. 70, 60, 50 years of dedicated service to God and people of God. I am sure each could tell stories of joys, laughter, support of community, challenges but in all knowing God is with her all the way. Was also good to see so many Sisters from around the area.
I wish you a good week after a meaningful weekend for you as well.
This past weeks vacation was just what body and soul needed. No TV, No radio, No other electronics working just peace and inner quiet. Time to get in touch with inner self, hello I know you!!
Don't get me wrong we did enjoy the scenery. Went to wolf center, why keep them in captivity just so we might see one of the 5 they have. They had the right idea. We saw two sleeping, one looked at all the people looking at him and headed for the wild out of sight for his nap. We on road that said road ends here in 500 feet. Up in the boundary waters. Went on echo train drive through the forest. Surprising to me we didn't see much wild life. I guess with all the magnitude of forest why come by the road.
Came home and went to Oshkosh today for Jubilee of Sisters. 70, 60, 50 years of dedicated service to God and people of God. I am sure each could tell stories of joys, laughter, support of community, challenges but in all knowing God is with her all the way. Was also good to see so many Sisters from around the area.
I wish you a good week after a meaningful weekend for you as well.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
The followers of Jesus asked him to teach them to pray. They watched him often in prayer, sometimes overnight. They saw the healing and compassion, maybe if I learn how to pray as he does I will also know healing and compassion.
Have you listened to your prayers lately? What do they tell you about yourself? Prayer is a relationship a conversation with God and the one who is praying.
The followers were accustom to the multiple prayers, sacrifices and yet God told them I do not take pleasure in your sacrifices give me your heart.
Jesus listened and did tell them how to be in prayer, relationship with God.
Praise God as our Father, He is good and holy and wants us to share in the goodness of the world as He made it. He wants us to bring his love and caring to others so his way on earth may be as it is in heaven.
He will provide for us our daily needs, perhaps not our wants.
We do ask God to forgive us as we forgive those who we feel have trespassed against us. How do we honor the no trespassing signs of others or do we just barge in and violate their boundaries. We don't like those who do that to us but we are saying forgive me for when I do it as I forgive them. One way to forgive them is to pray for God's blessing on those who have trespassed against me. Sometimes not easy as it sounds, at least not if I wish to be sincere and honest with myself and God.
I ask God to not let me walk in the way of that temptations which will lead me further away in our relationship with each other. Deliver me from evil. Have you thought about what is evil for you. Perhaps it is gossip, ignoring others, telling stories that change how we think positively against the other, not doing the best I can in relationships at home and at work. Evil comes to us in the way that is attractive to each of us.
We again acknowledge that God alone has the power to help us bring about goodness in the world.
I pray I acknowledge the good that God does though me to bring his love to the world.
As we all know relationships are enjoyable but also need nurturing. Take some time this week and listen to how you pray and decide is it relational or just a give me Santa type of thing.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Doing and Being
Today's reading is about Martha, the cook and Mary the one listening. The balance of doing and being is a daily endeavor.
I am sure we all can identify with Martha, working hard to make a good meal while those who could help are chilling out or listening to someone talk. I am sure we can talk a break and chill out ourselves and join in the conversation. Sometimes I get so engrossed in the cooking I forget to just chill out and enjoy it. Jesus says just relax and learn to be there.
On the other hand learning to listen and just be there is a task as well. It takes discipline to be quiet and totally present to the other. Sometimes the cooking seems easier.
the adventure is to balance both.
I am sure we all can identify with Martha, working hard to make a good meal while those who could help are chilling out or listening to someone talk. I am sure we can talk a break and chill out ourselves and join in the conversation. Sometimes I get so engrossed in the cooking I forget to just chill out and enjoy it. Jesus says just relax and learn to be there.
On the other hand learning to listen and just be there is a task as well. It takes discipline to be quiet and totally present to the other. Sometimes the cooking seems easier.
the adventure is to balance both.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Good Samaritan or for my good
Recently I have been reading the 1st encyclical letter by Pope Frances called LUMEN FIDEI or light of faith. In this writing he states christian faith is based on the belief in the death and Resurrection of Jesus. Christ's life, his way of knowing the Father and living in complete and constant relationship with him, opens up new and inviting vistas for human experience.
We believe and follow Jesus doing good because it was his way. We have the choice to do good so we can show we can do good and thereby do it for our own edification. Doing good works alone does not make one a follower of Christ.
Today we hear the story of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a injured man beaten and lying on the wayside. He stopped not only to help but took him to be taken care of. The story says the priest, the Levi a church minister not only passed the man by but crossed the street.
We too have a choice to be followers of Jesus and help those in need as he would. Or we too can cross the street, take a different hallway, ignore on crying, not only not help at the warming shelter, or food program but choose to not want them in our neighborhood, make judgments against those who partake of these programs.
You can find the encyclical letter on line it is worth the read no matter what religious tradition you follow. This week be more aware of your choices are they of a good Samaritan or not?
We believe and follow Jesus doing good because it was his way. We have the choice to do good so we can show we can do good and thereby do it for our own edification. Doing good works alone does not make one a follower of Christ.
Today we hear the story of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a injured man beaten and lying on the wayside. He stopped not only to help but took him to be taken care of. The story says the priest, the Levi a church minister not only passed the man by but crossed the street.
We too have a choice to be followers of Jesus and help those in need as he would. Or we too can cross the street, take a different hallway, ignore on crying, not only not help at the warming shelter, or food program but choose to not want them in our neighborhood, make judgments against those who partake of these programs.
You can find the encyclical letter on line it is worth the read no matter what religious tradition you follow. This week be more aware of your choices are they of a good Samaritan or not?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Relax, contemplate, serve
Today the 4 Th of July Holiday weekend is over with many experiences of relaxation, some were camping, swimming, cooking out, meeting family. Some of us watched parades, family gathering, enjoyed sitting in gentle rain showers, and just plan relaxing in chair, iced coffee and zoned out.
Now refreshed to be sent out as Jesus sent out his followers in the reading this Sunday. They went out in Jesus name giving hope, curing sick, encouragement. We too are sent out tomorrow in Jesus name as baptized persons. We too will have the opportunity to bring hope, encouragement, helping those who are sick. Do all you do in Jesus name.
Avoid going out in your name, resist as our culture says we can do anything.
Now refreshed to be sent out as Jesus sent out his followers in the reading this Sunday. They went out in Jesus name giving hope, curing sick, encouragement. We too are sent out tomorrow in Jesus name as baptized persons. We too will have the opportunity to bring hope, encouragement, helping those who are sick. Do all you do in Jesus name.
Avoid going out in your name, resist as our culture says we can do anything.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Today's scripture is about choices and discernment. Jesus gives the invitation to several to follow him, one needs to say goodbye to family, another bury the dead and so on.
It is only a example but often we are given invitations to follow Jesus in a special way to be bearers of the good news, but we too say oh can I visit my friend first, I need to do my laundry, I am too tired and so on.
This week may we be aware of the invitations to be Gospel people and accept the invite. Let us know how it went for you!
It is only a example but often we are given invitations to follow Jesus in a special way to be bearers of the good news, but we too say oh can I visit my friend first, I need to do my laundry, I am too tired and so on.
This week may we be aware of the invitations to be Gospel people and accept the invite. Let us know how it went for you!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Fathers day to all father and father figures.
Today of course I think of my own dad. He was my buddy, friend, confidant, hero and most wonderful man I knew. As a child I sent most of my free time with him in the garden, fishing, planting,laughing and giving my mom a bad time. It was our things. I missed him when he passed. At some times he would come to me in my dreams and I would tell him my worries and he would always say it will be alright. Tell me I am crazy but it was a comfort to me.
As a Christian, Catholic I say the prayer Jesus taught. Our Father who are in heaven. Growing up I saw God my heavenly Father the same as my earthly father, loving, kind, could tell him anything, forgiving, and saying it will be alright.
Today we take special time to honor, respect and enjoy our father on earth and in heaven. I thank my father for being a big part of my faith foundation.
I pray for all fathers today and father figures as they too are part of the faith formation of those who depend on them as their father.
To all fathers THANK YOU
Today of course I think of my own dad. He was my buddy, friend, confidant, hero and most wonderful man I knew. As a child I sent most of my free time with him in the garden, fishing, planting,laughing and giving my mom a bad time. It was our things. I missed him when he passed. At some times he would come to me in my dreams and I would tell him my worries and he would always say it will be alright. Tell me I am crazy but it was a comfort to me.
As a Christian, Catholic I say the prayer Jesus taught. Our Father who are in heaven. Growing up I saw God my heavenly Father the same as my earthly father, loving, kind, could tell him anything, forgiving, and saying it will be alright.
Today we take special time to honor, respect and enjoy our father on earth and in heaven. I thank my father for being a big part of my faith foundation.
I pray for all fathers today and father figures as they too are part of the faith formation of those who depend on them as their father.
To all fathers THANK YOU
Sunday, June 9, 2013
The reading for today was on Jesus meeting the widow mother on the way to bury her only son. He saw her and had compassion on her and stopped the burial and told her son to arise. He gave her son back to her.
In that time as in our day a widow is alone and depends on family to be there for her. In this case if her son was not there for her she would become a beggar and at the mercy of others. Later on we also hers that the Apostles appointed some of their group to reach out to the widows to be sure they were cared for.
Have times changed, I think not. In my daily rounds in the hospital I meet elderly persons who are sick and are being advised not to return to home. It is not safe for you to go home. But where will I go, who will care for me, I cant afford the facilities.
Perhaps we live next to such a person who needs only a little of our time and care. May we not be blind to those in need. Often they are the hidden folks in our community and sometimes it is our family members. We are busy with our own lives and need to look for some time for those who are needing our love and attention. May we pray this week for ears and eyes for those in need and the compassion to reach out to them
In that time as in our day a widow is alone and depends on family to be there for her. In this case if her son was not there for her she would become a beggar and at the mercy of others. Later on we also hers that the Apostles appointed some of their group to reach out to the widows to be sure they were cared for.
Have times changed, I think not. In my daily rounds in the hospital I meet elderly persons who are sick and are being advised not to return to home. It is not safe for you to go home. But where will I go, who will care for me, I cant afford the facilities.
Perhaps we live next to such a person who needs only a little of our time and care. May we not be blind to those in need. Often they are the hidden folks in our community and sometimes it is our family members. We are busy with our own lives and need to look for some time for those who are needing our love and attention. May we pray this week for ears and eyes for those in need and the compassion to reach out to them
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Pope Francis has challenged Catholics to consider if they allow their lives to be transformed by Christ’s presence in the Eucharist.
Speaking yesterday to a congregation of about 20,000 people, on the Feast of Corpus Christi outside the Basilica of St John Lateran, Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to ask if the Eucharist is a “moment of true communion with the Lord, but also with my many brothers and sisters who share at this same altar?” and if when “adoring Christ truly present in the Eucharist, do I allow myself to be transformed by him.
We come to the church to be nourished or is it an obligation? Have you ever noticed the people there with you? Some dressed nicely and some old torn in jeans but all are there. Lady next to me says I cant see anything as I have macular degeneration. Yet she comes and prays her heart out. Greets me warmly with hand shake at kiss of peace.
Babies crying, does that bother you? Jesus said bring the children to me.
Jesus died for all of us, no matter our state in life, our salary, or accomplishments or lack of these. What I like is at communion we all come equally in need of nourishment. He also said do this in remembrance of me. Could that mean I also give my life for others that they may have life.
I don't think we need to look for them this week, if we are serious God will send them to us!!
Be ready
Speaking yesterday to a congregation of about 20,000 people, on the Feast of Corpus Christi outside the Basilica of St John Lateran, Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to ask if the Eucharist is a “moment of true communion with the Lord, but also with my many brothers and sisters who share at this same altar?” and if when “adoring Christ truly present in the Eucharist, do I allow myself to be transformed by him.
We come to the church to be nourished or is it an obligation? Have you ever noticed the people there with you? Some dressed nicely and some old torn in jeans but all are there. Lady next to me says I cant see anything as I have macular degeneration. Yet she comes and prays her heart out. Greets me warmly with hand shake at kiss of peace.
Babies crying, does that bother you? Jesus said bring the children to me.
Jesus died for all of us, no matter our state in life, our salary, or accomplishments or lack of these. What I like is at communion we all come equally in need of nourishment. He also said do this in remembrance of me. Could that mean I also give my life for others that they may have life.
I don't think we need to look for them this week, if we are serious God will send them to us!!
Be ready
Friday, May 24, 2013
Remember those who gave of themselves that we are free
Memorial day is a day we look forward to. The opening of cabins, camp grounds, fishing up north,picnics and camp fires.
As we enjoy our Holiday let us take a few moments to pray for those who served so we may be free, those who survived , those who suffer from PTSD, those who came home missing parts of themselves, and those who never came home. May we also remember those who were their support and their loved ones.
May you all enjoy your holiday doing whatever gives you life, may you drive safely if you are on a road trip. Enjoy the brats, dogs and drinks. Know we are blessed in so many ways.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
What gift does the Spirit have for you
We Sisters have a religious practice at Pentecost called Gifts of the Spirit Cards. We take a holy card and put on the back a gift of the Spirit and a fruit of the Spirit. We then place these cards in our prayer space for the week before Pentecost and pray for a gift of the Spirit which we need for this coming year.
Behold today the card which I drew was Wisdom. I say to myself how did the Spirit know I needed that gift for this year?
I have been praying and searching for a deeper relationships with Jesus. I really don't know what that entails or means for me. I guess it will be revealed hopefully this year.
You most likely do not know of this process but it isn't too late In yesterdays blog I listed the gifts of the Spirit. Take a slip of paper and write down a gift on each slip. Put them in a bowl and say a short prayer such as Spirit of God guide me this year in ways you feel I need to grow. then pick one. I would be interested in hearing the result for you. Feel free to share your gift given to you for your deeper growth this year.
Behold today the card which I drew was Wisdom. I say to myself how did the Spirit know I needed that gift for this year?
I have been praying and searching for a deeper relationships with Jesus. I really don't know what that entails or means for me. I guess it will be revealed hopefully this year.
You most likely do not know of this process but it isn't too late In yesterdays blog I listed the gifts of the Spirit. Take a slip of paper and write down a gift on each slip. Put them in a bowl and say a short prayer such as Spirit of God guide me this year in ways you feel I need to grow. then pick one. I would be interested in hearing the result for you. Feel free to share your gift given to you for your deeper growth this year.
Friday, May 17, 2013
This week we will remember the Spirit and gifts available. Are you ready?
Which of the gifts do you feel you are in most need of? Pray to receive that gift.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts.
They are: wisdom, understanding, wonder and awe (fear of the Lord) , counsel, knowledge, fortitude, and piety (reverence).
Come Spirit of God and enrich me, help me to be open to your gifts. Most of us have received confirmation in some religious tradition. Was that a one time event? It is not too late to be open to receive the Spirit anew. We can start by participating in your church this weekend.
Which of the gifts do you feel you are in most need of? Pray to receive that gift.
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit is an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts.
They are: wisdom, understanding, wonder and awe (fear of the Lord) , counsel, knowledge, fortitude, and piety (reverence).
Come Spirit of God and enrich me, help me to be open to your gifts. Most of us have received confirmation in some religious tradition. Was that a one time event? It is not too late to be open to receive the Spirit anew. We can start by participating in your church this weekend.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Mothers day is here again, I still miss my mom. Of course there were times when we didn't always click but so it goes. I learned a lot from my Mother. I didn't appreciate it until I got older.
So all you mothers have faith it will happen. I praise Mothers, who spend their life giving their children life.
Some of us have children not of natural birth but we hope we give them life as well. I have many sons. I hope they also say a prayer for me today.
Happy mothers day to all mothers. Know you have formed a soul. May you be blessed
So all you mothers have faith it will happen. I praise Mothers, who spend their life giving their children life.
Some of us have children not of natural birth but we hope we give them life as well. I have many sons. I hope they also say a prayer for me today.
Happy mothers day to all mothers. Know you have formed a soul. May you be blessed
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time out
Sunday a day for rest and relaxation, no emails, no phone messages of "I got a problem, can you help me", or "I don't like what happened." How do you spend you day away from your ordinary activities.
At Church last night we were part of a the baptism of two young siblings, very young people maybe a 3 yr boy and maybe a 5 yr old girl. I am only guessing ages. Parents, god parents and grandparents were asked will you teach them the way to live this life of christian which you have asked they become baptized as Christ bearers? I say we were a part of this as well as our participation and chapping we welcomed them into the Christian community.
Do you do some spiritual reading and reflection on a day like to day. Sabbath day! I am currently reading several books. One is like a hammer shattering rock by Megan Mc Kenna. Today she posed the question. Do I read scripture for the ability to use the Bible to promote my beliefs, my positions or do I read and reflect on the Bible reading for my conversion? She recited situations in which we as believers have persecuted, killed, condemned those who don't believe as we do. I have heard other say oh she/he is a really holy spiritual person. Who but God can determine the inner workings of another?
This months issue of SATURDAY EVENING POST has a article on "the New Urban Hermit". It talks about stories of people who while living in their ordinary neighborhoods are living the live of hermits, involved in complete silence prayer for the world, practices of prayer that are helpful to them. One states "few realize that this is a vital and richly human way of living--one that's personally fulfilling, yet also quite rare." Article further states attraction to hermit life always flares up when the world is in turmoil. Hermits are the hub of the whirling wheel, and they help to hold civilization together." I don't feel called to this life style at least not as of today but I am called to listen to God within.
As you read these wandering of my mind what is it that you are being called to this week to carry out your purpose in life?
At Church last night we were part of a the baptism of two young siblings, very young people maybe a 3 yr boy and maybe a 5 yr old girl. I am only guessing ages. Parents, god parents and grandparents were asked will you teach them the way to live this life of christian which you have asked they become baptized as Christ bearers? I say we were a part of this as well as our participation and chapping we welcomed them into the Christian community.
Do you do some spiritual reading and reflection on a day like to day. Sabbath day! I am currently reading several books. One is like a hammer shattering rock by Megan Mc Kenna. Today she posed the question. Do I read scripture for the ability to use the Bible to promote my beliefs, my positions or do I read and reflect on the Bible reading for my conversion? She recited situations in which we as believers have persecuted, killed, condemned those who don't believe as we do. I have heard other say oh she/he is a really holy spiritual person. Who but God can determine the inner workings of another?
This months issue of SATURDAY EVENING POST has a article on "the New Urban Hermit". It talks about stories of people who while living in their ordinary neighborhoods are living the live of hermits, involved in complete silence prayer for the world, practices of prayer that are helpful to them. One states "few realize that this is a vital and richly human way of living--one that's personally fulfilling, yet also quite rare." Article further states attraction to hermit life always flares up when the world is in turmoil. Hermits are the hub of the whirling wheel, and they help to hold civilization together." I don't feel called to this life style at least not as of today but I am called to listen to God within.
As you read these wandering of my mind what is it that you are being called to this week to carry out your purpose in life?
Friday, May 3, 2013
There is a season for everything
We read there is a season for everything but this is an adventure to stay focused on the present season. I think it is May I am not sure. Today having rain, sleet and basically not nice weather.
In my years I have experienced the same in my life. I recall a time when I was out walking looking at the stars and saying to God you have the whole of the universe in order, how come my life is so out of order? Why are you not helping me? God replied you didn't ask! God never forces herself on us without our permission. Lesson learned, one among many!!!
May these days of dreary weather help you also in some time for reflection on the meaning of your life and role of God in it. Say strong the flowers will come!
In my years I have experienced the same in my life. I recall a time when I was out walking looking at the stars and saying to God you have the whole of the universe in order, how come my life is so out of order? Why are you not helping me? God replied you didn't ask! God never forces herself on us without our permission. Lesson learned, one among many!!!
May these days of dreary weather help you also in some time for reflection on the meaning of your life and role of God in it. Say strong the flowers will come!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The meaning of the words we hear today. Love others as I have loved. Not how I love myself or how I have loved others, but as Jesus loved. He reached out to those in need, corrected those those who thought they were better than others, and loved us no matter what. That for me is relief.
Jesus loved sinners, addressed those who felt they were not sinners.
Can I follow this example this week? I guess I need to spend some time reflecting on what it means. He gave an example of waiting for the son to return and the father looking daily for the one lost. Reaching out to the woman who was spurned by all. Being there for Martha and Mary at the death of Lazarus. There are many examples in Jesus life, which ones touch you? He says go and do as I have done.
Jesus loved sinners, addressed those who felt they were not sinners.
Can I follow this example this week? I guess I need to spend some time reflecting on what it means. He gave an example of waiting for the son to return and the father looking daily for the one lost. Reaching out to the woman who was spurned by all. Being there for Martha and Mary at the death of Lazarus. There are many examples in Jesus life, which ones touch you? He says go and do as I have done.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I know mine and mine know me
He/she is my friend, but how do I know them?
How do we get to know someone, spending time with them, reading what they wrote, stories others tell of them, sharing experiences, sitting quietly with them.
How do we let others get to know us? Much of the same as above, or are we guarded in what we share, limit our stories, minimal sharing of stories.
We have a choice don't we? Relationship with God is no different. Reading of others experience of God is called spiritual reading, reading of the Spirit. Sharing God experience stories, oh yes we can do that, we have freedom of religion.
God know me but do I know God
How do we get to know someone, spending time with them, reading what they wrote, stories others tell of them, sharing experiences, sitting quietly with them.
How do we let others get to know us? Much of the same as above, or are we guarded in what we share, limit our stories, minimal sharing of stories.
We have a choice don't we? Relationship with God is no different. Reading of others experience of God is called spiritual reading, reading of the Spirit. Sharing God experience stories, oh yes we can do that, we have freedom of religion.
God know me but do I know God
Monday, April 15, 2013
Jesus loves you
Today I told someone Jesus loves you response was you too! I didn't expect that response.
Some I met I needed to follow father Francis when he told the friars walk through town, they did and then they asked when are we going to preach. Francis said you just did. Maybe just maybe it was a case where actions did speak louder than words. God knows and I leave it at that.
Some I met I needed to follow father Francis when he told the friars walk through town, they did and then they asked when are we going to preach. Francis said you just did. Maybe just maybe it was a case where actions did speak louder than words. God knows and I leave it at that.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Spread the Good News Jesus lives
Today I asked what is it you want of me? Tell all those you meet of my love for them.
Reading speaks of how the followers of Jesus were called to task for speaking the Name. Those who killed him were upset. They threatened the Apostles and it didn't matter to them. They went out and spoke in the name of Jesus healing, bringing hope and love to all who would hear.
I don't know the religious belief of those I will meet this week. I ask for the strength to also go out to all I interact with and tell them Jesus loves you.
Tune in I will let you know how it went.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Today we celebrate the Rising of Jesus from the dead. Those who came to anoint his body as was the custom of the day found only a empty tomb and bright lights.
Later he appeared to Mary in the garden of the area. She thought he was a Gardner until he called her by name.
This week may you too have many encounters with the Risen Jesus and He calls you by name. May you respond by being Good News to all you meet.
Happy Easter to you and those you love.
Later he appeared to Mary in the garden of the area. She thought he was a Gardner until he called her by name.
This week may you too have many encounters with the Risen Jesus and He calls you by name. May you respond by being Good News to all you meet.
Happy Easter to you and those you love.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Our beloved Jesus is dead. They put him in someone else tomb, he didn't even have his own burial plot.
Now we try to console each other, I am grieving. He meant so much to all of us, especially those of us who are broken, not at all perfect.
If you have ever had a loved one die you know the feelings. Thinking of words they said, moments together.
Today maybe you can recall some words Jesus spoke to you. I recalling Jesus has said to me many times, do not be afraid I am there with you always, we will get through this, reach out to this person and share God's love, you are special to me and I have called you by name." we have had many moments of coffee together, each not saying anything but being in peace.
Take some time today and think on the things Jesus as said to you, moments you cherish.
Now we try to console each other, I am grieving. He meant so much to all of us, especially those of us who are broken, not at all perfect.
If you have ever had a loved one die you know the feelings. Thinking of words they said, moments together.
Today maybe you can recall some words Jesus spoke to you. I recalling Jesus has said to me many times, do not be afraid I am there with you always, we will get through this, reach out to this person and share God's love, you are special to me and I have called you by name." we have had many moments of coffee together, each not saying anything but being in peace.
Take some time today and think on the things Jesus as said to you, moments you cherish.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Give ones life for another
Today is Good Friday. However we know the end of the story.
I was reflecting today on how Mary must have felt seeing her son crucified, a common criminal, jeered by her own people of faith. True I don't believe she herself understood everything that had happened. No matter what she was not going to leave him.
Now a widow and loosing her only son who would care for her, feed and protect her. Widows had no place if they didn't have someone to care for them. In Jesus dying moment he asked John to care for Mary as his mother. Scripture says he took her into his home, was she wanted there or just another mouth to feed and care for.
I was reflecting as a Sister of the Sorrowful Mother having Mary of Sorrows as my (our) patroness, how do I stand with those who are common criminals, those who society rejects. Who are those I am called to be mother and companion with as they suffer? this week in ministry it seemed to be those with chronic conditions who are begging for relief and yet we can not fully heal or help them. One said to me I don't dig nuns. I still tried to be there for her as advocate if she needed me. I had never heard that before. If
God had not been with me I could have said okay you reject me so I will reject you.
May the reflections of today help us as we too journey with those who are on the margins and need us to stand with them as Mary would
I was reflecting today on how Mary must have felt seeing her son crucified, a common criminal, jeered by her own people of faith. True I don't believe she herself understood everything that had happened. No matter what she was not going to leave him.
Now a widow and loosing her only son who would care for her, feed and protect her. Widows had no place if they didn't have someone to care for them. In Jesus dying moment he asked John to care for Mary as his mother. Scripture says he took her into his home, was she wanted there or just another mouth to feed and care for.
I was reflecting as a Sister of the Sorrowful Mother having Mary of Sorrows as my (our) patroness, how do I stand with those who are common criminals, those who society rejects. Who are those I am called to be mother and companion with as they suffer? this week in ministry it seemed to be those with chronic conditions who are begging for relief and yet we can not fully heal or help them. One said to me I don't dig nuns. I still tried to be there for her as advocate if she needed me. I had never heard that before. If
God had not been with me I could have said okay you reject me so I will reject you.
May the reflections of today help us as we too journey with those who are on the margins and need us to stand with them as Mary would
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Do as I have done for you
Just returned for Holy Thursday liturgy. Tonight we as a gathered people of God washed each others hands. we went up to the altar, as we do to communion,each of us washed the hands of another person, who was in line behind us.
A great sense of community. We were the old, the arthritic(yes I was there) the men, women, children, teens, educated maybe, working maybe, homeless or unemployed, maybe but it didn't matter. We all were the people of God. Do this as I have done to you may it be a sign to others.
A moving moment for me. I pray I remember it during the week in my ministry, my friendships, the gathering with my Sisters, my co-workers.
May I not forget to reach out and touch their hands as they serve.
A great sense of community. We were the old, the arthritic(yes I was there) the men, women, children, teens, educated maybe, working maybe, homeless or unemployed, maybe but it didn't matter. We all were the people of God. Do this as I have done to you may it be a sign to others.
A moving moment for me. I pray I remember it during the week in my ministry, my friendships, the gathering with my Sisters, my co-workers.
May I not forget to reach out and touch their hands as they serve.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Today is the beginning of Holy Week. But we know the end of the event which ends with Easter. The disciples didn't know there was to be a Resurrection. Today,I was wondering would I be a follower of Jesus if I too didn't know of the Resurrection?
Today we recall Jesus entry into the city not as Kings had done previously, but on a donkey. No army, only followers a band of disciples who still didn't get it, and those who Jesus ministered to, the cripples, hungry, maybe Lazarus who came back from the dead, some women and those who wanted a miracle.
Hail to King of the Jews, meaning save us from slavery, get rid of the Romans and restore to us to a kingdom. At times I too say Oh Jesus save me from this issue, this problem and this worry. But do I want a protector who breaks the law, one who others want to get rid of, one who association with will also get me into trouble?
Really, am I no different that the Disciples who followed him with their own idea of the kingdom to come, one in which they too would have a place.
Today and the remainder of this week, take some time to reflect what does it mean to me and you to be a follower of Jesus. In my daily life will I too deny Jesus as he predicted Peter would. Am I afraid to be a Christian? Christ follower?
By my actions will they also know am I too one of his followers? What am I willing to do to be a follower of Jesus today at this time and place?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Go and repair my Church
This cross
is a reproduction of the crucifix through which God spoke to Saint Francis of
Assisi in the year 1205, saying "Go, Francis, and repair my Church which, as you
see, is falling into ruin." At first Francis misunderstood and proceeded to
repair only the San Damiano Chapel, where this crucifix was located. Eventually
his acts of poverty, humility and charity brought about repairs to the entire
Catholic Church.
The new Pope is Francis. May we keep him in our prayers as he too repairs the Church.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
This is one of my favorite photos of the return of the Prodigal son. So tender and caring. That is how I have experienced God with me.
Parables are interesting, they give us a chance to look at various aspects of ourselves. I can ask myself am I like the Father watching, waiting, longing for one who is lost or am I glad. They took all and left, good riddance.
On any given day I am both. I pray today to be open, to watch for those who have gone their own way. to wait with open arms for their return. Not only wait but go out and meet them on the way back with a greeting, hug and love.
This is how I experienced God with me, accepting me with love and open arms even before I was ready to be fully back, giving me no chance to say my story but accepting me just as I am in the moment. That is my experience what is yours?
Who are you today?
Parables are interesting, they give us a chance to look at various aspects of ourselves. I can ask myself am I like the Father watching, waiting, longing for one who is lost or am I glad. They took all and left, good riddance.
On any given day I am both. I pray today to be open, to watch for those who have gone their own way. to wait with open arms for their return. Not only wait but go out and meet them on the way back with a greeting, hug and love.
This is how I experienced God with me, accepting me with love and open arms even before I was ready to be fully back, giving me no chance to say my story but accepting me just as I am in the moment. That is my experience what is yours?
Who are you today?
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today in the scripture readings we learn of how God sent Moses, Jesus and Paul. Each in their own way experienced the God of goodness, a God of forgiveness. Do you realize you too are sent to be Gospel person to those you meet each day? Even to your family?
Jesus tells the story of the fig tree that did not produce fruit in 3 years. The Gardner bargained with the owner to give him one more year. He would fertilize and water the tree hoping it would then produce fruit.
As a follower of Jesus I am called and sent to bring the Good News of the Gospel by how I act each day. Being the news of forgiveness and goodness of God.
In order to be Good News I too need to fertilize my spiritual life so I can bring forth good fruit in terms of my daily actions.
What helps am I taking advantage of to deepen my own spiritual life? Some are simple such as taking a moment to say what would Jesus want me to do or Be in this situation? Taking a few seconds at the end of my day to review how was I Gospel this day and ask for God's help for tomorrow.
Have a blessed 3rd week of Lenten journey.
Jesus tells the story of the fig tree that did not produce fruit in 3 years. The Gardner bargained with the owner to give him one more year. He would fertilize and water the tree hoping it would then produce fruit.
As a follower of Jesus I am called and sent to bring the Good News of the Gospel by how I act each day. Being the news of forgiveness and goodness of God.
In order to be Good News I too need to fertilize my spiritual life so I can bring forth good fruit in terms of my daily actions.
What helps am I taking advantage of to deepen my own spiritual life? Some are simple such as taking a moment to say what would Jesus want me to do or Be in this situation? Taking a few seconds at the end of my day to review how was I Gospel this day and ask for God's help for tomorrow.
Have a blessed 3rd week of Lenten journey.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Let snow, let snow. Sister water comes in many forms to water the earth, feed the animals and keep our food growing. I know up north we are tried of snow unless you are a snow play person. Just take a moment and be grateful for the snow.
Good day to read a book or sit a moment and think what happened all last week. Was I faithful to my Lenten practice? Yes, there was a couple of times I wanted to say something confrontive or to be honest sarcastic but I didn't and I remembered I was fasting from not nice talk.
Maybe I will even clean the stove which has been on my to-do-weekend thing for a while. How about you?
Have a good Saturday whatever you are doing and remember all those who asked you to pray for them.
Good day to read a book or sit a moment and think what happened all last week. Was I faithful to my Lenten practice? Yes, there was a couple of times I wanted to say something confrontive or to be honest sarcastic but I didn't and I remembered I was fasting from not nice talk.
Maybe I will even clean the stove which has been on my to-do-weekend thing for a while. How about you?
Have a good Saturday whatever you are doing and remember all those who asked you to pray for them.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Helping those who are in need
Today I had a chance to go to a fundraiser for Catholic charities where the money raised is going toward the new warming shelter for people who have no place to sleep at night except on the street. It was nice to see all the support there.
I did feel a bit sad when I heard a speaker talk about how happy there were to help those people. I guess I am more sensitive to this since I lived 10 years among and with my fellow Sisters and employees in a so called 3rd world country where everyone cared about the other and no one let anyone be hungry. Amazing wasn't it. I came back to the US and saw people in the city looking for food in garbage behind McDonald's.
I guess it is all about ones world view. I never considered myself different than the Sisters I lived with, or the employees who I worked with to serve those in need of health care.
Perhaps lent is a time when we can do some reflection on our personal world view and who do we consider those people or are we all one Father as you and I are one?
I did feel a bit sad when I heard a speaker talk about how happy there were to help those people. I guess I am more sensitive to this since I lived 10 years among and with my fellow Sisters and employees in a so called 3rd world country where everyone cared about the other and no one let anyone be hungry. Amazing wasn't it. I came back to the US and saw people in the city looking for food in garbage behind McDonald's.
I guess it is all about ones world view. I never considered myself different than the Sisters I lived with, or the employees who I worked with to serve those in need of health care.
Perhaps lent is a time when we can do some reflection on our personal world view and who do we consider those people or are we all one Father as you and I are one?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
In her writing Megan Mckenna states the word devil means satan which mean hinderer.
In this day of the 1st Sunday of lent, in scripture it relates the temptation of Jesus in the dessert. He had his baptism in which all heard God proclaim him as favorite, his son, most beloved.
Jesus went into the dessert to pray, fast and determine what was he called to BE. In process of his prayer scripture relates the devil (hinderer) came with temptations of power, prestige and possessions. Sound familiar?
In our day to day interactions we too are presented with the option to be a favorite child or God or a hinderer to others. This surfaced some reflection questions for me on my behavior.
This involves anything that hinders us or another from having fullness of life as the beloved of God.
This gives us some way of refection on our own activities.
Am I open to share my knowledge with everyone thus sharing the power to make positive changes?
Do I acknowledge, compliment, and thank others or do I keep the accomplishment as mine alone?
Am I willing to be not noticed and reaching out to others not noticed?
In other words am I aware of how I too am a hinderer? (modern devil)
In this day of the 1st Sunday of lent, in scripture it relates the temptation of Jesus in the dessert. He had his baptism in which all heard God proclaim him as favorite, his son, most beloved.
Jesus went into the dessert to pray, fast and determine what was he called to BE. In process of his prayer scripture relates the devil (hinderer) came with temptations of power, prestige and possessions. Sound familiar?
In our day to day interactions we too are presented with the option to be a favorite child or God or a hinderer to others. This surfaced some reflection questions for me on my behavior.
This involves anything that hinders us or another from having fullness of life as the beloved of God.
This gives us some way of refection on our own activities.
Am I open to share my knowledge with everyone thus sharing the power to make positive changes?
Do I acknowledge, compliment, and thank others or do I keep the accomplishment as mine alone?
Am I willing to be not noticed and reaching out to others not noticed?
In other words am I aware of how I too am a hinderer? (modern devil)
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Lent starts this week wednesday. When I think of Lent I think of lent a hand to someone.
With our busy life schedules reaching out to do the extra to help someone or taking time to say thank you I appreciate***** or affirm someone, takes more effort than deciding to give up blood pudding which I dont eat anymore.
I recieved a neat reflection book by my favorite Bishop Morneau. From time to time I will add a comment from his daily reflection. He is a very uplifting positive person, which I will practice during lent and because it is so long a time it may indeed become a habit.
What are your plans feel free to share them for the inspiration and encouragement of others
With our busy life schedules reaching out to do the extra to help someone or taking time to say thank you I appreciate***** or affirm someone, takes more effort than deciding to give up blood pudding which I dont eat anymore.
I recieved a neat reflection book by my favorite Bishop Morneau. From time to time I will add a comment from his daily reflection. He is a very uplifting positive person, which I will practice during lent and because it is so long a time it may indeed become a habit.
What are your plans feel free to share them for the inspiration and encouragement of others
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Today in the scared reading Paul tells us of the importance of Love. Sometimes we strive for great gifts, wanting to understand many things but Paul reminds us of these Love is the most important. In fact he says if we do great things and do not have love, it is nothing.
Paul describes love as being kind, patient, not jealous, or taking credit for things others do. If we truly love we dont seek our own interests but are mindful of the interest of the others.
This week the warming center opened in Wausau for those who are out in the old and have no where to go. It is a place of love where the person staying there isnt judged for their situation buy welcomed with a warm meal and a safe place to stay.
I pray that this week I too, will find opportunities to welcome those whose situation is challenging and be able to do it with Love.
As a Christian I am sent to bring glad tidings to ther poor, and to proclaim freedom to those held in captivity by whatever reason.
May we all be good News this week
Paul describes love as being kind, patient, not jealous, or taking credit for things others do. If we truly love we dont seek our own interests but are mindful of the interest of the others.
This week the warming center opened in Wausau for those who are out in the old and have no where to go. It is a place of love where the person staying there isnt judged for their situation buy welcomed with a warm meal and a safe place to stay.
I pray that this week I too, will find opportunities to welcome those whose situation is challenging and be able to do it with Love.
As a Christian I am sent to bring glad tidings to ther poor, and to proclaim freedom to those held in captivity by whatever reason.
May we all be good News this week
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Baptism of Jesus
This week we celebrated the Baptism of Jesus where he was acknowledged by God as his only Son. By our own baptism we too are children of God.
A child of God is a tremendous thing to happen to us. I wonder if it changes how we see the world or how we react to the other. I believe we reveal the Father to all we know by witnessing the Love God gives to me that I can share that love with others.
What does baptism mean to you?
A child of God is a tremendous thing to happen to us. I wonder if it changes how we see the world or how we react to the other. I believe we reveal the Father to all we know by witnessing the Love God gives to me that I can share that love with others.
What does baptism mean to you?
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