Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blessed New Year to to you.
I was thinking of the past year and all the blessings and opportunities that God provided to me.
I thank God for the goodness and love I have experienced and witnessed.

I wish for you best of all good things for the coming year.

I believe the what we need to do in the coming year,with God's grace, to be our best selves, one day at a time.

Happy and Blessed New Year 2012

Friday, December 30, 2011


In addition to it being New Years Day the Catholic Church celebrates it as World day of Peace. I did read the Pope's letter to the youth for this day. I feel there is alot we all can reflect on in terms of our role in creating Peace and Justice and extending ourselves to the youth we meet.

The pope wrote "peace and justice are built on a profound respect for every human being helping others to live a life consonant with this supreme dignity"

The pope "encourages all of us adults not just the teachers to be more attentive to the hopes and fears of young people today, along with their search for true values. Adults have a serious responsibility to help the young fulfill their potential, not just by sharing information with them, but in being examples of what it means to live lives marked by the joy of faith, charity and respect for others"

I worry about this age of latch-key children who come home from school and no one is there, those who spend their days influenced by day care, baby sitters or no one at all. What can I do to be some sign of hope for them?

We all meet young people in the course of our day. Do we say hello, how are you? Do we have the time to take a minute to listen to the response?

I remember one day someone said how are you and I said sick and they said good. I knew they were not really interested in listening to me or my response. It was rote response.

I am grateful at our house we do eat breakfast and evening meal together. Sharing our plans for the day and at the end of the day sharing how the day went and how was God experienced in this day. It really doesn't take that much time.

What are some ways you can be more present to youth during the coming year?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Religious traditions-family values

Today's reading is about Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple to be presented to Simeon. Both parents were amazed at what was said about their child. (Luke 2:22,28,30-33)

I have attended many a baptism, promised are made to raise this child of God, knowing a loving God. Promises by parents and godparents alike. Now begins the journey of teaching this child God's love. After all God lives within each of us.

Jesus learned his Jewish faith and traditions from Mary and Joseph. He learned the stories of the prophets before him their predictions, their pronouncement of how God was with His people.

All the pictures I have seen of Mary are ones where she is lovingly holding her son. All the pictures of Joseph are those teaching Jesus. They sought to give Jesus the best of their faith and values.

This reminds me to reflect on what values have others experienced from me?

Although I do not have any physically born children I have many who have called me and treated me like a mother. I have tried to guide them in their discernment in making good decisions. I have tried to let them know God is there for them. I also have tried to show them care and love that God has given to me.

Taking a few moments each day in mediation is a good way to reduce stress, guide us each day in the daily journey and making our life abit more God centered. 

Try it you will like it!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holy Innocents--recaptured

Today in the church calendar we remember the Holy Innocents who are the children massacred by Herod.

Whether the it really happened or not is not important. the story is told to exemplify how terrible a man Herod was.

In this day it seems not much has changed. Terrible people still are around. The baby sitter who hit a little girl in the head until dead. Innocent children killed every day in our cities.  Why are we collecting coats for kids? Should not a family be able to provide their child with a coat?

In a world with this going on how hard is it for our children to maintain their innocence?  Are we helping them by not discouraging their fantasy dreams and imaginary play.

Each of us has a little child within us. Do we let them express themselves? Today let us do whatever we can to reach out to ease the the suffering of the children we see, the little ones in our own part of the world. It is easier to think of those far away we don't have to look into their eyes.

Also take a few minutes with your own inner child and ask them what she/he needs. Maybe just a good time out to play.  At one time when I was mediating on the rooms in my inner house, I realized I didn't have a play space. It was a surprise to me in that I realized I had forgotten how to play. When have you last played? It is never too late to start.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Traditions--Drinking Love of St John

Did you ever wonder what was the reason for some of the traditions you have experienced in your life time?

In the early years of my formation on this Day we got a glass of wine and all prayed and drank it as the Love of St. John.  I found myself today asking what was that all about. I don't recall anyone explaining it to me.

 A little research lead me to the answer. the story goes as follows:

Today, this third day of Christmas, is the Feast of St. John.
Though he wasn't martyred, it wasn't for his enemies' lack of trying. According to legend, he was served poisoned wine, but survived because he blessed the wine before he put it to his lips; the poison rose from the chalice in the shape of a serpent. In his happy memory, Catholics bring wine to church, which the priest blesses, turning it into a sacramental called the "Love of St. John." Catholics use this sacramental wine for special occasions throughout the year and to give to the sick.

When it is drunk on his Feast Day, we drink it before dinner as a toast to St. John. The Father of the house lifts his glass toward Mother and says, "I drink you the love of St. John." The Mother replies "I thank you for the Love of St. John" and then turns to the oldest child, lifts her glass, and says, "I drink you the love of St. John..." -- and on it goes down the line until each has been toasted.

If you have a big family may be very interesting!!. It reminded me of the Jewish Seder meal I was privileged to be a part of at my friends house. I surely did feel the sugar buzz by the end of that meal.

The wine may be drunk as is, out of the bottle, or may be prepared as in this recipe:
St. John's Love (serves 8)

1 quart red wine
3 whole cloves
1/16 teaspoon ground cardamom
2 two-inch cinnamon sticks
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup sugar

Pour the wine into a large saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients. Boil for 5 minutes (this pretty much evaporates all of the alcohol). Serve hot, clinking glasses with the toast "Drink the love of St. John!" I suggest doing this in front of a roaring fire!
May you enjoy your new tradition and follow the example of Saint John when he said Loving one another is what the Gospel is all about.
Have a great day.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Are you willing to act on your beliefs?

Today in Catholic churches we remember Saint Stephen who was stoned because he was a follower of Christ.

Every day we hear of modern martyrs who are dying for their faith. Most recently in Africa those who died just because they wanted to worship at Christmas.
Those who die by hands of Taliban because the Taliban believe they are trying to convert others.

The reality of it all is that Jesus life began in a wood stable, with his dying on a wood cross. Jesus stood for compassion, justice and forgiveness. Thank God for Easter!!!

Are you willing to stand for compassion, justice and forgiveness? At what cost? Is there someone before the new year comes that you need to reach out to?

We may not be asked to give our life's blood for the Way,  but we are asked to give our life in service to this way of life. I pray for the grace for myself and all of you that we may live a life of servant hood.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Why a Christmas crib

The origin of the Christmas Crib (or Manger or Nativity scene - first ascribed to Saint Francis of Assisi, who in 1223 celebrated the Feast of the Nativity in a new way that led to a new devotional practice. Saint Francis sent for his friend, Giovanni Vellita, a landowner in Greccio where Francis had a favorite hermitage. "If now it seems good to thee that we should celebrate this feast together, go before me to Greccio and prepare everything as I tell thee. I desire to represent the birth of that Child in Bethlehem in such a way that with our bodily eyes we may see what He Suffered for lack of the necessities of a newborn babe and how He lay in a manger between the ox and ass."

Many brothers and good people came at Francis's bidding, and during the night the weather also was beautiful. Many lights were kindled, songs and hymns were sung with great solemnity so that the whole wood echoed with the sound , and the man of God stood by the manger, filled with the utmost joy, and shedding tears of devotion and compassion. By his order the manger had been so arranged that Mass was celebrated on it, and blessed Francis...sang the gospel and preached to the people on the Nativity of Christ our King, and whenever he pronounced his name with infinite tenderness he called Him the 'little Babe of Bethlehem.'" (Nesta Robeck, The Christmas Crib, Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Company, 1956, p. 45-47.)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blessed Christmas to you and those you love

Hurrah, last day of going to Saint Clare's & DTC until Jan 3. What am I going to do? Whatever the spirit moves me to do.
I wish you and your loved ones a Blessed Christmas. May you know the love of friends, the support of those who care, and the peace of knowing you have tried this advent to give of your self those those who needed what it was you had to give. Maybe service you did, or a little time to listen, or saying a prayer for them. Whatever it was may you find it gave you more joy that what you gave.

Blessed and happy Christmas to you and those you love. Yes animals are included!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

God loves all creatures

A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep.
He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.
No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thanking others as a practice

Today we had a leadership training all day on the principles of Studer which if implemented show increase in patient satisfaction.

In thinking about that I believe if implemented in our daily life would also improve our relationships with others and create a more peaceful caring world.

We talked about sending thank you notes to those who we see, experience doing good. In our ordinary day we have been taught to thank people for gifts. What would happen if we thanked our grocery store line person for helping us check out, or thank our mail delivery person for delivering our mail, or our family members for something they do? We can all find some little thing to say thank you in appreciation. What if they payed it forward!! Think of the impact it would be. What would happen if you thanked your children for doing their chores in stead of getting after them to do them.What if we thanked our employer for providing a job for me to use my skills and abilities.

We also talked about rounding which means asking those who were are responsible for what is going well, do they have the things they need to do their job, is there someone they would like to recognize and what would they suggest are some things that would make things better. What if we asked our family what do they need to be a better member of this family, relationship or something similar, do they have what they need in this relationship, who would they like to acknowledge in the family, and what could be done to make our family better? Our relationship better?

I was just thinking these tools can be used for personal situations as well as at our workplace.

Today in my reading about those "Blessed Among" it was a reminder to remember a great teacher and prophet, Rabbi Abraham Heschel. He died on Dec 23, 1972.

He felt his vocation(calling) was to connect the mystical world of Hasidic Judaism with the modern world of "man in search of meaning" He left Poland right before the Nazi invasion. He was expelled from teaching because he was Jewish.

Rabbi Abraham had a great deal to do with the renewal of Judaism and he also influenced the Christian world. He was a great lover of justice and a courageous champion of peace and civil rights.

I thought of him as I believe he also followed the principles we learned today at our sessions. That is to be present to the other, to search ways to help them to grow as persons and be willing to act responsibly in this world.

Is there someone you could write a thank you note to today? That might be the best Christmas present they received all year!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

O Antiphons

O Antiphons are songs of praise from the old testament to tell us during advent of the coming of the Messiah.

Today we pray O root of Jesse.
"O Root of Jesse’s stem,
sign of God's love for all his people:
come to save us without delay!

I don't know about you but in my life time I have prayed for deliverance. O God come and save me. I recall the answer was "who asked you to go there in the first place?"

I am sure I am not the only one who was in a situation of asking God to get me out of a situation I created. God did come to my aid. The question was did I learn anything?

Root of Jesse's stem is a sign of God's love for all of his people.

In our final preparations for Christmas let us remember it is really all about God's love for all of us. Let us take time to share the love we have been given.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Deep faith in God's plan for me

Today's reading was the angel appearing to Mary and giving her the message of God's plan for her to become the Mother of Jesus.
She did ask how can this be? She then said be it done to me according to the message.

We all have opportunities when are aware God has a plan for us. Sometimes we also say how can this be? 

I can think of several occasions when I knew what God was asking of me and I said no it cant be. God acts with our consent same as God did with Mary. I did say yes. Now looking back at those situations I realize it was part of God's plan for me. I just could not see it at the time. 

In what way do you see God effecting the decisions you make?

We are starting the days before we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. May our spirits be ready to celebrate Jesus coming among us, becoming one of us and teaching us about the love of God.

May you have a good preparation week. Know what isn't done, isn't done. To those who love you it wont matter, what counts is your presence.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What are your connections?

Today the reading talk about the genealogy of Jesus.
In the East Asian there is a belief(legend) that a child is born with an invisible red thread that connects the child's soul to all who have gone before and will come in the future. It is believed every birthday the cord shortens which brings the child closer to those they are to meet.

The reading of today connects Jesus with all those who came before him, the prophets and those who will follow him. For Matthew, this Jesus is the fulfillment of a world God envisioned in the first place, a world with peace and justice. 

Advent theme is alot about peace and justice. We are all connected in some way.

I did spend some time a couple of years ago working on our family genealogy. My brother said why you interested in that. Well I found all sorts of characters which somewhat explains part of how I am. I found a distant cousin who is into healing of the family. It was scary as she is the youngest, has a Masters in Psych and into therapy. Here I thought I was unique!!

I found the orgin of my family name, a group of peasant's who refused to give their animals to an oppressive king so they lived in the Forest with the animals. I knew there must be a justice bent somewhere and people who knew organize to do a protest. I knew there was a reason I felt comfortable working with East Side gang in Milwaukee and the homeless.

Who are you connected to? Who do you believe will benefit from connection with you in the future?

Do you experience any connection to Jesus in the present or maybe in the future? He was for those discounted the children, women, widows and those rejected by the establishment. He was all about peace, justice and reconciliation.

Every day I reflect on how will my day incorporate some of these opportunities for me to choose how to BE. 

Advent helps us on our journey to reflect on these situations and our behavior.

Friday, December 16, 2011

What does God want you to do?

Today scripture reading:"The works the Father gave me to accomplish these works that I perform testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me."John 5:36

I believe we all have a purpose on this great earth of ours. Have your thought about your purpose is?
Parents are responsible for the values they teach their children. All of us have some responsibility for our action and the effect it has on others.

Advent time is a time of waiting and preparation for the One to who is to come. The prophets are speaking of justice, care for the poor, women and children who were not honored in ancient times? I often wonder if they are honored in our time.

I pray during this advent we are more aware of women and children. Keep our eyes open to the many opportunities for works of justice.

Everyone deserves good health, food and safe place to stay. Maybe the least we do is take food to the local pantry, clothes to a place giving to others, coats for kids and whatever opportunity you see as you go about your shopping for gifts for your loved ones.

I pray our generosity and caring will be a witness to Peace and love in our world.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blessed Christmas tree

Did you know the story of the Christmas tree?
In the 8th Century the Germans had a giant oak tree that they considered sacred as a space for their pagan god Odin. they tied a young boy to the tree and we going to sacrifice him. St Boniface freed him and the people waited of their god Odin to strike Boniface dead. It didn't happen. So they realized their god was useless. Boniface pointed out a fir tree and blessed it and saying it was the night of life not death. He proclaimed the fir tree to be a symbol of peace and the Christ child.

The Christmas tree tradition most likely came to the United States with Hessian troops during the American Revolution, or with German immigrants to Pennsylvania and Ohio.

The Christmas tree is a symbol of a living Christmas spirit and brings into our lives a pleasant aroma of the forest.

As we place our Christmas tree in our homes may we also become a symbol of light and peace to those we meet.

 Think of how you can make your own tree a symbol of Christ's presence in a world that so much needs peace and light in the darkness.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Today we in reading in liturgy we read about the two John's.

John the Baptizer who came as one who was pointing out the way to God. He lived a simple life in the desert. He was a prophet who called the people of his time to change their ways. Now he was beheaded because he refused to let Herod have the wife of his brother. Are we willing to stand up for what we believe even if it means we loose something? I doubt we will be beheaded but we might loose some friends and associates.

John of the Cross was a young carmelite who called his fellow carmelites to give up their ways of the world. For that they threw him in prison which after some time he escaped. John of the Cross is famous for his poetry and for his efforts to reform the carmelite order.
John of the cross had many sayings here is only one of them.

St. John of the Cross
“God is more pleased by one work, however small, done secretly, without desire that it be known, than a thousand done with desire that men know of them. (St. John of the Cross, Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church)
Today we picked up the Giving Tree gifts under the Christmas tree in the hospital that were given by employees for the women's center, the patients who come without clothes and those patients who need help transportation medications and some employees children. It is done without the one receiving the gift knowing who it came from. I was touched by the generosity I witnessed.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reflect on today's events-graces

Today was just a ordinary day, filled with people wanting to talk. It took extra energy to be there for those I met today.

It seemed like a longer day than usual. Maybe because I was on the phone with some very angry people as well.

I had a chance to say good bye to a great Director who is going to retire in couple of months. She is a gentle and caring woman and I will miss her. Yes there is a time to say good bye and to say hello. I must confess I like the hello's better.

Got to listen to the chimes ushering in a new baby.

A nurse shared her Christmas card which announced her engagement. It was a good reminder to me about the circle of life.

At the end of the day it is good for me to reflect on the day and how did it go? What were the blessings, many of course. Any place I need to say I am sorry, gosh not as I am aware of, for at least today.

I thank God for today and put aside anything not done. Put it into God's hands. If God wants me to have it, I will get it back.

I sleep very well with these little practices. How about you?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Are you being sent?

Today we celebrate the remembrance of Juan Diego, a christian Indian man from Mexico. He was passing by a hill in Tepeyac and saw a beautiful lady. He asked who she was and she said Mother of God and she told him to gather up the roses near by and take them to the bishop and ask him to build a church there in her name. When Diego went to the bishop and told him of the request he opened his cloak and the roses fell out leaving the image of Mary. This is the beginning of the Hispanic culture honoring Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe. The lady came speaking the native language and offering support to the demoralized poor people of Mexico. She asked the church to serve the poor and listen to their voice.

Today in many ways we too hear the voice of the poor.

Most of the people I talked to today who were eligible for Christmas food baskets from the staff at Saint Clare's told me that they didn't feel worthy of this gift and they were sure there were others who needed it more than them.

I have worked in the inner city with the poor and homeless and they are more concerned about others than some who have everything they need.

At this Christmas time I pray we keep our eyes open to see the needs of others and to pray that someone may reach out to those in need.

When I was missioned in the Caribbean I learned they have a saying when God cant come he sends. Are you being one sent?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Candles in the inner and outer windows

It is hard to stay focused on the real meaning of Advent. So many things going on, cookie baking, presents, Christmas cards, and letters to friends. Then there is work

Thank God for me my ministry  is a Ministry to those in need not just a job.
What is yours?

In the reflection book today it talks about candles in the window. I didn't know the meaning of this tradition. The story is that in Ireland the English were persecuting the catholics. The catholic families put a lighted candle in the window to signify to the priests in hiding it is a safe place to stay on Christmas Eve and they would be welcome. When the English questioned it they were told it was so Mary and Joseph were welcome. The English thought this a silly Irish superstition and let it be.

We can light a candle in our window as well to let those passing by it is a safe place to be in a world where so many do not feel safe.

I pray our Christmas lights whatever they may be signify to others peace, joy and a welcome to them.

May your inner light shine this week so others may know you too are a welcome person, a safe place to be welcome and to share.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Justice & compassion

The reading for today says: Elijah will indeed come and restore all things: but I tell you Elijah has already come"(Matt 17:11-12)

Today we also remember Thomas Merton the cistersian monk who promoted justice. We see all types of injustice on the TV and in the paper.

As we went out today to buy our Christmas tree and groceries, I encountered the Red Kettle of Salvation Army. Why are there so many homeless in a country that has so much and had fabulous Black Friday.

In the paper today is about another paper plant closing in our area and more unemployed.

Last night at Hospital Christmas lighting,I checked the giving tree in the atrium. It is a tree that has ornaments for those in need and many were taken with gifts placed under the tree by employees for those in need.

At the store today we bought food items to take to Church for Church pantry. The need far exceeds the items donated.

Today, I did feel abit guilty baking peanut butter spritz, then I realized we are doing what we can. What is important is that I do not behave in a way that creates more injustice.

I pray I may have the strength to bring God's justice and compassion where I am called to be present.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent patience

Today's reflection is on advent patience. I am glad I read it before I went out in search of presents for my brother. I was glad to get home again. For one here it is very cold,14 degrees. No point in waiting for it to get warmer, not this time of the year.

I have today off and a time to do what I want. That happens so seldom. Usually on my day off I am going to visit my brother which is a all day venture.

So I decided to do some of my Christmas shopping. I thought during the week there wouldn't be so many people shopping.  Wrong! Trying to back out of my parking space almost go whacked in the parking lot. Coming home two cars cut in front of me on the freeway. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry. I thank God for some time to reflect today and get centered before I ventured out into the people hurrying. Constantly hurrying and not getting very far. With the two cars who passed me,  we ended up at the stop light at same time.

Advent theme is one of patient waiting. A awaiting that is not enduring but one that is looking forward with hope.

I pray we can slow down and stop and enjoy the present moment. Take time to see the dawn and the moon at night, time to greet friends and have time to share. Time to live in the present moment instead of the planning for the next moment.

Have a blessed advent Friday of 2nd week of Advent.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our many yes committments

Today in the catholic church we celebrate God's gift of Mary's birth without sin. Later at the Annunciation we celebrate her saying yes to becoming the mother of Jesus.

We all have said yes to things we were not sure of but in faith we gave our consent our committed yes. 

I think of my friends who are married and said yes when they were asked "for better or for worse" Some are celebrating anniversary's of their marriage. I am know many things happened to stress the yes, but they made it through those times.

When I said yes, when I made my vows as a religous Sister I didnt dream of celebrating my 50th anniversary. That yes has had its moments as well.

What are the things you have said yes to. Do you pray for the grace to be faithful to your yes. Hard yes committments stress our faith but may we look at the faith of Mary and have courage. Say a prayer for the grace to be faithful to the many yes committments in your life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

thank you for Roberta's life

Today, I was present at the funeral of our friend Roberta. She was only 57. So many people came to witness to her life and her friendship.

It was painful to see her husband's grief, her son Matt crying and daughter Erin holding on to her dad's hand.

Many persons spoke of Roberta as mentor, full of life, looking at new possibilities, sharing her joy, her time with her girl friends on shopping spree wearing reindeer horns, getting her toe nails painted with Sister Lois and many other joyful moments. A woman full of life, giving life and her love to others.

I believe she didn't see this as extra ordinary but just herself. She would stop by my office to just chat smile and go on her way. She left me feeling as if an angel just visited, and it did.

She lived life in the fullest, one of deep faith and love for her family, friends and her God with a special devotion to Mary mother of Jesus.

Don't you wonder what would be said of us today. I pray to follow the example of one who lived as God called her to live. May we all pray for the gift of selflessness and giving of our selves to others with a deepening of faith.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


On the TV, radio and in the paper we hear of all the sales, deals etc.

One year I gave gift certificates that I made for things I knew the person would like such as take you out to eat, coffee and conversation, walk in the night under the stars, once a week time to talk and listen and whatever you would like. That was a fun thing to do.

How well do you know your friends or what your children would like to do with you? This year think about if you would give them a gift certificate of your presence? After all if we really need some earthly thing dont we usually buy it anyway!

It most likely would cost more than most gifts as these days time is a very precious gift. One gift we seldom have to give to ourselves to do what we would like. I've 4 books someone gave me and I havent had time to read one.
Hope I give myself a certificate of some time to just sit in the chair, read and drink the hot chocolate I bought this weekend.

Consider a gifts of presence.

Monday, December 5, 2011


In toady's reading in scripture is about healing of one who was paralyzed. He believed it was possible and it happened.

When I was a child they would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Whatever I answered no one ever told me it wasn't possible. Believing is part of making something possible, or having someone else believe in you makes one believe it is possible.

If you think back I am sure you can count the things that have happened that you never thought were possible but they are because you or someone else believed they were possible.

During these days of Advent preparation for the remembrance of the coming of Christ we could believe in someones dream and help them believe it is possible.

In this crazy busy world we can become too self centered and forget the possibility of helping someone to achieve their dream. Have you encouraged the children in your life to believe their dreams are possible? It is never too late to do so.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

darkness and light

Today the Sisters from the Holy Spirit of the North Local community went to Marathon for advent reflection on Dark and Light. Yes, there are more of us SSM's around.

We reflected on our experience as children of the dark. We shared with another person. We then looked at Dec being a time of darkness, plants in the earth, time of rest, watching and waiting. Even the chipmunks have gone for a winters nap.
The darkness of December is also a time to enjoy the beauty of the stars in the sky. If you don't have a lot of street lights you can see the beauty of the magnitude of the heavens. I enjoy night time when in bed I can see the stars and the moon shines in my room.

In Dec when there is less light our lives do seem to cycle down, we become less outward busy or so it seems to me. A time to reflect and renew ourselves.

We all have times of darkness in our lives but advent is a time of hope and reaching out to the other in darkness. I am sure each of us can encounter someone in our day that we can reach out to and bring spirit of hope.

The time of darkness in our life can be a time for us to listen, listen to what God might be saying or asking of us. The same as when we are in natural darkness we tend to listen more attentively.

Christmas is a time of light, where Jesus comes as a light to warm the world. We reflected on light that warms, the light we can see in the eye of another. The call for each of us to be a light to another.

It was good time to take some space to reflect to take the time to cycle down in the business of our days. I found it refreshing. Isn't this what Christmas is all about?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Missing a friend

Today in the advent reading it speaks about the book When bad things happen to good people by Rabbi Harold Kushner. It speaks of the wish to drive sorrow out of our lives. We know everyone experiences sorrow in their life at sometime. It is how we deal with the sorrow that makes the difference and allows us to reach out to others who are experiencing sorrow.

Today we are in sorrow at the death of a dear friend Roberta Swift. She died this morning. For the past 3 years she suffered the effects of Gullian-Barre syndrome. She never gave up hope, was cheerful, and struggled to maintain as much independence as she could.

She also is the dear friend of Sister Lois as they both worked together in Mission and culture for Ministry Health care. I know all of you reading this do not know her but know she was a woman of integrity, compassion and filled with hope.

We pray today in support of Roberta's family that they too may know the support of others. May we all continue to strive to shape just cultures. This was so much a part of what Roberta was also committed to.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What do you believe in?

In Scripture reading of Matthew today blind men approached Jesus asking him to heal them. He asked them do you believe I can do this? They said yes, his reply was "let it be done according to your faith."

In my life time I have had many beliefs. I believed in Santa, the tooth fairy, even the power of a rabbit foot. I believed my parents loved me and would care for me.

As I grew I believed in people's goodness, the ability of all of us to reach out to others. I leaned to believe in the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. I believed in God's call to me to bring the good news of his Love to all I meet and I accepted his invitation to become a Religious Sister.

Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birthday. For Christians it is the believe that God had compassion and mercy on us and sent his Son Jesus to come to us as teacher, healer, wonder worker, one who can tell us of the Love of the Father. Some of the songs in Church speak of wonder worker. My favorite song of advent season is O come O come Emmanuel.

Take some time and reflect on what do you believe in today?

I pray for us to be healed of our doubts, fears and worries of this day. May we too reach out to Jesus and ask Him to heal us of what we need healed so we can be free to celebrate His birthday. A true day of Peace

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rock foundation

Today's reading was about "wise man who built his house on rock"I couldn't help but think of the foundress of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother.

Mother Frances came to my mind today as I participated in the International Finance board meeting for the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. We just completed a 1 1/2 day meeting. We ended by reviewing budgets of the various parts of the community which were Italy+Tanzania Africa, Germany-Austria, Brazil, and the US/Caribbean.
Each leader from these areas presented their budgets with their plans for 2012.

It wasn't the budgets so much that made me think of Mother Frances but the wonder of the work being done in development of peoples, dignity for Women and children, medical care for those in need, job training to help those involved to be self sufficient, school for teaching of children, day cares, retirement centers and many more works for the People of God.

I am sure Mother Frances smiled down and was pleased to what extent the little community she founded has become a rock for so many in need.

It truly is a blessing to be a member of a International community and to witness the care for the people of God in various parts of the world. I pray we may continue to be one and to serve those in need especially the poor.