Friday, December 2, 2011

What do you believe in?

In Scripture reading of Matthew today blind men approached Jesus asking him to heal them. He asked them do you believe I can do this? They said yes, his reply was "let it be done according to your faith."

In my life time I have had many beliefs. I believed in Santa, the tooth fairy, even the power of a rabbit foot. I believed my parents loved me and would care for me.

As I grew I believed in people's goodness, the ability of all of us to reach out to others. I leaned to believe in the power of forgiveness and reconciliation. I believed in God's call to me to bring the good news of his Love to all I meet and I accepted his invitation to become a Religious Sister.

Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birthday. For Christians it is the believe that God had compassion and mercy on us and sent his Son Jesus to come to us as teacher, healer, wonder worker, one who can tell us of the Love of the Father. Some of the songs in Church speak of wonder worker. My favorite song of advent season is O come O come Emmanuel.

Take some time and reflect on what do you believe in today?

I pray for us to be healed of our doubts, fears and worries of this day. May we too reach out to Jesus and ask Him to heal us of what we need healed so we can be free to celebrate His birthday. A true day of Peace

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