Wednesday, December 7, 2011

thank you for Roberta's life

Today, I was present at the funeral of our friend Roberta. She was only 57. So many people came to witness to her life and her friendship.

It was painful to see her husband's grief, her son Matt crying and daughter Erin holding on to her dad's hand.

Many persons spoke of Roberta as mentor, full of life, looking at new possibilities, sharing her joy, her time with her girl friends on shopping spree wearing reindeer horns, getting her toe nails painted with Sister Lois and many other joyful moments. A woman full of life, giving life and her love to others.

I believe she didn't see this as extra ordinary but just herself. She would stop by my office to just chat smile and go on her way. She left me feeling as if an angel just visited, and it did.

She lived life in the fullest, one of deep faith and love for her family, friends and her God with a special devotion to Mary mother of Jesus.

Don't you wonder what would be said of us today. I pray to follow the example of one who lived as God called her to live. May we all pray for the gift of selflessness and giving of our selves to others with a deepening of faith.

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