Friday, December 30, 2011


In addition to it being New Years Day the Catholic Church celebrates it as World day of Peace. I did read the Pope's letter to the youth for this day. I feel there is alot we all can reflect on in terms of our role in creating Peace and Justice and extending ourselves to the youth we meet.

The pope wrote "peace and justice are built on a profound respect for every human being helping others to live a life consonant with this supreme dignity"

The pope "encourages all of us adults not just the teachers to be more attentive to the hopes and fears of young people today, along with their search for true values. Adults have a serious responsibility to help the young fulfill their potential, not just by sharing information with them, but in being examples of what it means to live lives marked by the joy of faith, charity and respect for others"

I worry about this age of latch-key children who come home from school and no one is there, those who spend their days influenced by day care, baby sitters or no one at all. What can I do to be some sign of hope for them?

We all meet young people in the course of our day. Do we say hello, how are you? Do we have the time to take a minute to listen to the response?

I remember one day someone said how are you and I said sick and they said good. I knew they were not really interested in listening to me or my response. It was rote response.

I am grateful at our house we do eat breakfast and evening meal together. Sharing our plans for the day and at the end of the day sharing how the day went and how was God experienced in this day. It really doesn't take that much time.

What are some ways you can be more present to youth during the coming year?

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