Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holy Innocents--recaptured

Today in the church calendar we remember the Holy Innocents who are the children massacred by Herod.

Whether the it really happened or not is not important. the story is told to exemplify how terrible a man Herod was.

In this day it seems not much has changed. Terrible people still are around. The baby sitter who hit a little girl in the head until dead. Innocent children killed every day in our cities.  Why are we collecting coats for kids? Should not a family be able to provide their child with a coat?

In a world with this going on how hard is it for our children to maintain their innocence?  Are we helping them by not discouraging their fantasy dreams and imaginary play.

Each of us has a little child within us. Do we let them express themselves? Today let us do whatever we can to reach out to ease the the suffering of the children we see, the little ones in our own part of the world. It is easier to think of those far away we don't have to look into their eyes.

Also take a few minutes with your own inner child and ask them what she/he needs. Maybe just a good time out to play.  At one time when I was mediating on the rooms in my inner house, I realized I didn't have a play space. It was a surprise to me in that I realized I had forgotten how to play. When have you last played? It is never too late to start.

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