Sunday, December 18, 2011

Deep faith in God's plan for me

Today's reading was the angel appearing to Mary and giving her the message of God's plan for her to become the Mother of Jesus.
She did ask how can this be? She then said be it done to me according to the message.

We all have opportunities when are aware God has a plan for us. Sometimes we also say how can this be? 

I can think of several occasions when I knew what God was asking of me and I said no it cant be. God acts with our consent same as God did with Mary. I did say yes. Now looking back at those situations I realize it was part of God's plan for me. I just could not see it at the time. 

In what way do you see God effecting the decisions you make?

We are starting the days before we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. May our spirits be ready to celebrate Jesus coming among us, becoming one of us and teaching us about the love of God.

May you have a good preparation week. Know what isn't done, isn't done. To those who love you it wont matter, what counts is your presence.

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