Thursday, December 29, 2011

Religious traditions-family values

Today's reading is about Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple to be presented to Simeon. Both parents were amazed at what was said about their child. (Luke 2:22,28,30-33)

I have attended many a baptism, promised are made to raise this child of God, knowing a loving God. Promises by parents and godparents alike. Now begins the journey of teaching this child God's love. After all God lives within each of us.

Jesus learned his Jewish faith and traditions from Mary and Joseph. He learned the stories of the prophets before him their predictions, their pronouncement of how God was with His people.

All the pictures I have seen of Mary are ones where she is lovingly holding her son. All the pictures of Joseph are those teaching Jesus. They sought to give Jesus the best of their faith and values.

This reminds me to reflect on what values have others experienced from me?

Although I do not have any physically born children I have many who have called me and treated me like a mother. I have tried to guide them in their discernment in making good decisions. I have tried to let them know God is there for them. I also have tried to show them care and love that God has given to me.

Taking a few moments each day in mediation is a good way to reduce stress, guide us each day in the daily journey and making our life abit more God centered. 

Try it you will like it!

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