Thursday, December 1, 2011

Rock foundation

Today's reading was about "wise man who built his house on rock"I couldn't help but think of the foundress of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother.

Mother Frances came to my mind today as I participated in the International Finance board meeting for the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. We just completed a 1 1/2 day meeting. We ended by reviewing budgets of the various parts of the community which were Italy+Tanzania Africa, Germany-Austria, Brazil, and the US/Caribbean.
Each leader from these areas presented their budgets with their plans for 2012.

It wasn't the budgets so much that made me think of Mother Frances but the wonder of the work being done in development of peoples, dignity for Women and children, medical care for those in need, job training to help those involved to be self sufficient, school for teaching of children, day cares, retirement centers and many more works for the People of God.

I am sure Mother Frances smiled down and was pleased to what extent the little community she founded has become a rock for so many in need.

It truly is a blessing to be a member of a International community and to witness the care for the people of God in various parts of the world. I pray we may continue to be one and to serve those in need especially the poor.

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