Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent patience

Today's reflection is on advent patience. I am glad I read it before I went out in search of presents for my brother. I was glad to get home again. For one here it is very cold,14 degrees. No point in waiting for it to get warmer, not this time of the year.

I have today off and a time to do what I want. That happens so seldom. Usually on my day off I am going to visit my brother which is a all day venture.

So I decided to do some of my Christmas shopping. I thought during the week there wouldn't be so many people shopping.  Wrong! Trying to back out of my parking space almost go whacked in the parking lot. Coming home two cars cut in front of me on the freeway. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry. I thank God for some time to reflect today and get centered before I ventured out into the people hurrying. Constantly hurrying and not getting very far. With the two cars who passed me,  we ended up at the stop light at same time.

Advent theme is one of patient waiting. A awaiting that is not enduring but one that is looking forward with hope.

I pray we can slow down and stop and enjoy the present moment. Take time to see the dawn and the moon at night, time to greet friends and have time to share. Time to live in the present moment instead of the planning for the next moment.

Have a blessed advent Friday of 2nd week of Advent.

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