Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reflect on today's events-graces

Today was just a ordinary day, filled with people wanting to talk. It took extra energy to be there for those I met today.

It seemed like a longer day than usual. Maybe because I was on the phone with some very angry people as well.

I had a chance to say good bye to a great Director who is going to retire in couple of months. She is a gentle and caring woman and I will miss her. Yes there is a time to say good bye and to say hello. I must confess I like the hello's better.

Got to listen to the chimes ushering in a new baby.

A nurse shared her Christmas card which announced her engagement. It was a good reminder to me about the circle of life.

At the end of the day it is good for me to reflect on the day and how did it go? What were the blessings, many of course. Any place I need to say I am sorry, gosh not as I am aware of, for at least today.

I thank God for today and put aside anything not done. Put it into God's hands. If God wants me to have it, I will get it back.

I sleep very well with these little practices. How about you?

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