Sunday, December 11, 2011

Candles in the inner and outer windows

It is hard to stay focused on the real meaning of Advent. So many things going on, cookie baking, presents, Christmas cards, and letters to friends. Then there is work

Thank God for me my ministry  is a Ministry to those in need not just a job.
What is yours?

In the reflection book today it talks about candles in the window. I didn't know the meaning of this tradition. The story is that in Ireland the English were persecuting the catholics. The catholic families put a lighted candle in the window to signify to the priests in hiding it is a safe place to stay on Christmas Eve and they would be welcome. When the English questioned it they were told it was so Mary and Joseph were welcome. The English thought this a silly Irish superstition and let it be.

We can light a candle in our window as well to let those passing by it is a safe place to be in a world where so many do not feel safe.

I pray our Christmas lights whatever they may be signify to others peace, joy and a welcome to them.

May your inner light shine this week so others may know you too are a welcome person, a safe place to be welcome and to share.

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