Tuesday, December 6, 2011


On the TV, radio and in the paper we hear of all the sales, deals etc.

One year I gave gift certificates that I made for things I knew the person would like such as take you out to eat, coffee and conversation, walk in the night under the stars, once a week time to talk and listen and whatever you would like. That was a fun thing to do.

How well do you know your friends or what your children would like to do with you? This year think about if you would give them a gift certificate of your presence? After all if we really need some earthly thing dont we usually buy it anyway!

It most likely would cost more than most gifts as these days time is a very precious gift. One gift we seldom have to give to ourselves to do what we would like. I've 4 books someone gave me and I havent had time to read one.
Hope I give myself a certificate of some time to just sit in the chair, read and drink the hot chocolate I bought this weekend.

Consider a gifts of presence.

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